(Nebraska), Eric C. Thompson and William B.
Walstad (2008).
Entrepreneurship in Nebraska: Conditions, Attitudes, and Actions.
(New York, NY: Gallup Press, 196 p.).
Entrepreneurship--Nebraska. Role of entrepreneurs in Nebraska's
economy; business, economic conditions that affect start-ups in
both short, long run; attitudes of small business owners,
general public in different parts of state about starting a business, entrepreneurship education, economic
development, business transition, succession; actions to
maintain state's dynamic economy to foster growth,
job creation, expanded wealth, philanthropy.
(New England), John Garner (1984).
The Model Company Town: Urban Design Through Private
Enterprise in Nineteenth-Century New England.
(Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 288
p.). Company towns --New England --History --19th
century; Company towns --New England --History --19th
century --Case studies; City planning --New England
--History --19th century; City planning --New England
--History --19th century --Case studies; City planning
--Massachusetts --Hopedale --History --19th century.
(New England), Barry Levy
Town Born: The Political
Economy of New England from Its Founding to the
(Philadelphia, PA, University of Pennsylvania Press, 354
p.). Professor of History(University of Massachusetts,
Amherst).Cities and towns -- New England -- History;
Land settlement -- New England -- History; Power (Social
sciences) -- New England -- History; City and town life
-- New England -- History; New England -- Economic
conditions; New England -- Politics and government -- To
1775; New England -- Social conditions. Town-centered
political economy of New England;
settlers, their descendants did most work themselves;
distinctive, far more egalitarian order consequence of
its innovative system of governance (nearly all land
under control of several hundred self-governing town
meetings used to organize, force, reconcile laborers,
families, and entrepreneurs into profitable export
economies; protected value of local labor, persistently
excluded outsiders, privileged the town born); labor
earned respect, relative equity ruled, workers exercised
political power despite doing most arduous tasks,
burdens of work absorbed by citizens themselves.
(New England), Eds. Peter Temin (2000).
Engines of Enterprise: An Economic History of New England.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 328 p.). Elisha Gray
II Professor of Economics (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology). New England -- Economic conditions.
New England led United States in
transformation from agrarian to industrial economy, reinvented
in complex economy of information society; transformation of New
England's products, exports from cotton textiles, machine
tools to education, software.
(New England),
Mark Valeri (2010).
Heavenly Merchandize: How Religion Shaped Commerce in Puritan
America. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
354 p.). Ernest Trice Thompson Professor of Church History
(Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian
Education in Virginia). Puritans --Doctrines --History --17th
century; Puritans --Doctrines --History --18th century; Puritans
--Influence; Business --Religious aspects --Christianity; United
States --Religion --To 1800. Moral conviction, commercial
culture in early New England; religion's role in creation of
market economy in early America; economic culture of New
England; how four generations of Boston merchants built modern
form of exchange out of profound transitions in puritan
understanding of discipline, providence, meaning of New England;
how Boston ministers reconstituted their moral
languages over course of century; how changing ideas about what it meant to be
pious, puritan informed business practices of Boston's
(New Jersey),
Michael Pellegrino (2009).
Jersey Brew: The Story of Beer in New Jersey.
(Denville, NJ: Lake Neepaulin Pub., 160 p.). Lawyer.
Beer--history--New Jersey. Turbulent history of beer industry in
Garden State — from earliest breweries to those still brewing
craft beers to today; early settlers imbibed simply because
water wasn't safe to drink, because a lack of TV and Internet
left little else to do besides hang out at local pub; how New
Jersey became one of key players in nation's beer-production
industry (Newark's Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company was first
to sell beer in cans in 1935); illicit methods employed by
crafty mobsters to beat oppressive rules, restrictions of
(New Jersey - Atlantic City), Ed. Leo
B. Schoffer (2009).
A Dream, a Journey, a Community: A Nostalgic Look at
Jewish Businesses in and Around Atlantic City.
(Margate, NJ: ComteQ Pub., 186 p.). Atlantic City,
NJ--history; Business enterprises --Atlantic City, NJ.
Jewish businesses that once lined Boardwalk, avenues
from Oriental to Arctic from 1900-1970; vanished due to changing
resort economy, national business marketplace.
(New Jersey - Atlantic City),
Eds. Brian J. Tyrrell, Israel Posner (2009).
Casino Gaming in Atlantic City: A Thirty Year Retrospective.
(Margate, NJ ComteQ Pub., p.). Associate Professor,
Hospitality and Tourism Management (Richard Stockton College);
Executive Director of the Stockton Institute for Gaming
Management (Richard Stockton College). Casinos--New
Jersey--History; Gambling--New Jersey--history. How Atlantic
City casino industry has evolved over three decades, its
contribution to region’s economic development; 1976 - New Jersey
referendum legalized casino gambling (rejected in 1974); May
26, 1978 - Resorts International opened as first casino in
Atlantic City; gaming industry created tens of thousands of
jobs, spurred billions of dollars in investment, huge source of
tax revenue benefited entire state.
(New York - Buffalo), Michael F. Rizzo (2007).
Nine Nine Eight: The Glory Days of Buffalo Shopping.
(Morrisville, NC: Lulu.com, 172 p.). Retailing -- History --
Buffalo, New York; shopping; chain stores -- history.
History of great retailers that
once dotted main streets of Buffalo, NY; from early days of city
to bankruptcy, sale of every major local retailer.
(New York - New York City), Tom Shachtman
Around the Block: The Business of a Neighborhood. (New
York, NY: Harcourt Brace, 325 p.). Small business--Social
aspects--New York (State)--New York--Case studies;
Neighborhood--New York (State)--New York--Case studies; Chelsea
(Manhattan, New York, NY).
(New York - New York City), Michael Indergaard
Silicon Alley: The Rise and Fall of a New Media District.
(New York, NY: Routledge, 256 p.). Associate Professor of
Sociology (St. John's University). Internet industry--New York
(State)--New York; High technology industries--New York
(State)--New York; Internet; Electronic commerce.
(New York - New York City), Thomas Kessner
Capital City: New York City and the Men Behind America’s Rise to
Economic Dominance, 1860-1900. (New York, NY: Simon &
Schuster, 396 p.). Professor of History at the Graduate School
of the City University of New York. Corporations--New York
(State)--History--19th century; Capitalism--New York
(State)--History--19th century; Capitalists and financiers--New
York (State)--New York; New York (N.Y.)--Economic
conditions--19th century; New York (N.Y.)--History--19th
century. How an
undistinguished port city rose to become center of finance in
United States; how Morgan, Carnegie, Rockefeller, colleagues
transformed New York, and changed the nation.
(New York - New York City), Elizabeth Currid
The Warhol Economy: How Fashion, Art, and Music Drive New York
City. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 258
p.). Assistant Professor at the University of Southern
California's School of Policy, Planning, and Development.
Cultural industries--New York (State)--New York; Popular
culture--Economic aspects--New York (State)--New York; New York
(N.Y.) Social life and customs. Creative industries drive economy
of New York as much as finance, real estate, law; fueled
by social life of clubs, galleries, music venues, fashion shows
where creative people meet, network, exchange ideas, pass
judgments, set trends that shape popular culture.
May 4, 2008 - Business History Museums in
upstate New York:
#1 - Corning Museum of
Glass (Corning, NY - world's largest collection of contemporary,
historical glass); #4 - Jell-O Gallery (Le Roy,
NY); #5 - Museum of Cheese (Rome, NY); #6 - The
Original American Kazoo Factory and Museum (Eden, NY); #7 -
Remington Firearms Plant and Museum (Ilion, NY - firearms from
early 1800s to present); #8 - Slate Valley Museum (Granville, NY
- how slate is formed).
(New York - New York City), James T. Murray
and Karla L. Murray (2009).
Storefront: The Disappearing Face of New York City.
(Corte Madera, CA: Gingko Press, 336 p.). New York (N.Y.) --
economic life and customs. Visual guide to New York City's "mom
and pop" stores; powerful images capture neighborhood spirit, familiarity,
comfort, warmth that these shops (reflection of
New York's early immigrant population)
once embodied.
(New York - New York City), Serena R.
Zabin (2009).
Dangerous Economies: Status and Commerce in Imperial New
York. (Philadelphia, PA: University of
Pennsylvania Press, 205 p.). Associate Professor of
History (Carleton College). New York (N.Y.) -- Economic
conditions; New York (N.Y.) -- Economic conditions --
18th century; New York (N.Y.) -- Commerce.
New Yorkers as Britons; history of New York culture,
commerce in first two thirds of 18th century;
seething culture existed at margins
of British Empire;
transience of city's people, goods, fortunes
created notably fluid society; shifting imperial identity created new
avenues for success, made success harder to
define, demonstrate socially; ideal breeding ground for crime,
(New Zealand), Nigel Smith (2001).
Heritage of Industry: Discovering New Zealand’s Industrial
History. (Auckland, NZ: Reed Books, 258 p.). Industrial
archaeology --New Zealand.
(New Zealand), Hazel Petrie (2006).
Chiefs of Industry: Ma-ori Tribal Enterprise in Early Colonial
New Zealand. (Auckland, NZ: Auckland University
Press, 336 p.). Postdoctoral
fellow with the Mira Szaszy Research Centre for Maori and
Pacific Economic Development (University of Auckland).
Maori (New Zealand people) --Commerce --History
--19th century; Maori (New Zealand people) --Economic conditions
--19th century; Shipping --New Zealand --History --19th century;
Flour industry --New Zealand --History --19th century; Business
enterprises --New Zealand --History --19th century; Tauhokohoko.
reo; New Zealand --Commerce --History --19th century; New
Zealand --History --1840-1876. Entrepreneurial
activity of New Zealand’s indigenous Maori in early colonial
period (focus on coastal shipping, flourmilling);
1840s-1850s - Maori were spectacularly successful; how such
society was able to develop capital-intensive investments,
harness tribal ownership quickly, effectively to render
commercial advantages; sudden decline in "golden age" of Maori
enterprise (changing market conditions, land alienation).
(New Zealand), Paul Callaghan
Wool to Weta: Transforming New Zealand's Culture and Economy.
(Auckland, NZ: Auckland University Press, 176 p.). Alan
MacDiarmid Professor of Physical Sciences (Victoria University
of Wellington). New Zealand - Economic development.
Competitiveness of New Zealand's current economy; need to switch
from agriculture, tourism as economic backbone of country to
potentially more prosperous emerging industries of science,
technology, intellectual property; entrepreneurs creating successful science,
technology-based businesses (Weta workshop, cinema special
effects company; sustainable wealth, cultural change.
(New Zealand - Auckland), R. C. J. Stone
Makers of Fortune: A Colonial Business Community and Its Fall.
(Auckland, NZ: Auckland University Press, 240 p.). Auckland
--- (1982).
Young Logan Campbell. (Auckland, NZ: Auckland University
Press, 287 p.). Campbell, John Logan, 1817-1912; Auckland
(New Zealand - Auckland), Sir James Fletcher
(Afterword), Bronwyn Labrum, Gavin McLean, Hazel Petrie, RCJ
Stone (Preface) (2006).
City of Enterprise: Perspectives on Auckland Business.
(Auckland, NZ: Auckland University Press, 264 p.). Stone:
Professor Russell Stone, Emeritus Professor in History
(University of Auckland) and is the pre-eminent historian of the
history of Auckland; Petrie: Mira Szaszy Research Centre
(University of Auckland); McLean: Senior Historian at New
Zealand’s Ministry for Culture and Heritage. Auckland --City;
Auckland -- Economic Development; New Zealand - Economic
History. Auckland business
history in context of New Zealand's economic growth.
(North Carolina), Albert N. Link (1995).
A Generosity of Spirit: The Early History of the Research
Triangle Park. (Research Triangle Park, NC: Research
Triangle Foundation of North Carolina, 149 p.). Professor of
Economics. Science and Technology Policy (UNC Greensboro).
Research parks--North Carolina--History; Research
institutes--North Carolina--History; Research, Industrial--North
Carolina--History; Research Triangle Park (N.C.)--History.
--- (2002).
From Seed to Harvest: The Growth of the Research Triangle Park.
(Research Triangle Park, NC: Research Triangle Foundation of
North Carolina, 278 p.). Professor of Economics. Science and
Technology Policy (UNC Greensboro). Research parks--North
Carolina--History.; Research institutes--North
Carolina--History; Research, Industrial--North
Carolina--History; Research Triangle Park (N.C.)--History.
(North Carolina), Allen
Tullos (1989).
Habits of Industry: White Culture and the Transformation
of the Carolina Piedmont. (Chapel
Hill, MA, University of North Carolina Press, 419
p.). Associate Professor of American Studies in the
Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts (Emory
University). Industries --North Carolina --History;
Families --North Carolina --History; Industries --South
Carolina --History; Families --South Carolina --History;
North Carolina --Economic conditions; North Carolina
--Social conditions; South Carolina --Economic
conditions; South Carolina --Social conditions.
(North Carolina - Charlotte), Edited by William Graves and
Heather A. Smith (2010).
Charlotte, NC: The Global Evolution of a New South City.
(Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 310 p.). Associate
Professors of Geography (University of North Carolina,
Charlotte). Charlotte (N.C.) -- Economic conditions; Charlotte
(N.C.) -- Social conditions; Social change -- North Carolina --
Charlotte; Urbanization -- North Carolina -- Charlotte;
Globalization -- Social aspects -- North Carolina -- Charlotte;
City and town life -- North Carolina -- Charlotte; Cities and
towns -- Southern States -- Growth -- Case studies; Social
change -- Southern States -- Case studies; Globalization --
Social aspects -- Southern States -- Growth -- Case studies.
External forces of globalization, combined with
city’s internal dynamics, reshaped local structures,
landscapes, identities of southern place; nation's fifth largest
metropolitan center: from "regional backwater" to globally ascendant
banking industry, gentrification, boosterism, architecture, city
planning, transit, public schools, NASCAR, African American and
Latino communities.
(North Carolina - Charlotte),
Rick Rothacker
Banktown: The Rise and Struggles of Charlotte’s Big Banks.
(Winston-Salem, NC: John F. Blair, 336 p.). Reporter (Charlotte
Observer). Bank of America; Wachovia Corporation; Banks and
banking --North Carolina --Charlotte; Financial crises --North
Carolina --Charlotte. How financial crisis played out in
Charlotte; how aftermath bruised economy, pride of one of New
South's brightest skylines; crisis in Charlotte's Bank of
America and Wachovia as sleep-deprived bankers analyzed $50
billion deal in less than 24 hours, Wachovia customers realized
their adjustable rate mortgages resulted in higher monthly
(North Dakota - Fargo,
Moorhead), Carroll Engelhardt (2007).
Gateway to the Northern Plains: Railroads and the Birth
of Fargo and Moorhead. (Minneapolis, MN:
University of Minnesota Press, 384 p.). Professor
Emeritus of History (Concordia College, Moorhead).
Northern Pacific Railway Company --History; Great
Northern Railway Company (U.S.) --History; Fargo (N.D.)
--History --19th century; Moorhead (Minn.) --History
--19th century; Fargo (N.D.) --Economic conditions
--19th century; Moorhead (Minn.) --Economic conditions
--19th century. How the small cities of plains have made
their mark on country, American West; 1872 - Northern
Pacific Railroad laid its first tracks across Red River
of the North; brought settlers, capital, access to
Eastern market, gave birth to twin cities of Moorhead
and Fargo; railroad company provided land for public
schools, churches to speed refinement of settlement;
Northern Pacific Railway chose Fargo as its
headquarters, became "Gateway City" to North Dakota.
(Ohio), Eugene C. Murdock (1988).
The Buckeye Empire: An Illustrated History of Ohio Enterprise.
(Northridge, CA: Windsor Publications, 320 p.). Industries
--Ohio --History; Industries --Ohio --History --Pictorial works;
Ohio --Economic conditions; Ohio --Economic conditions
--Pictorial works. "Produced in cooperation with the Ohio
Chamber of Commerce.
(Ohio), Anne Kelly Knowles (1997).
Calvinists Incorporated: Welsh Immigrants on Ohio’s Industrial
Frontier. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 330
p.). Lecturer in Geography at the Institute of Earth Studies
(University of Wales, Aberystwyth). Welsh
Americans--Ohio--Ethnic identity--Case studies;
Calvinists--Ohio--Case studies; Industrialization--Ohio--Jackson
County--History--19th century; Industrialization--Ohio--Gallia
County--History--19th century; Capitalism--Ohio--Jackson
County--History--19th century; Capitalism--Ohio--Gallia
County--History--19th century; Ohio--Historical geography--Case
studies; Jackson County (Ohio)--Economic conditions; Gallia
County (Ohio)--Economic conditions; Cardiganshire
(Wales)--Emigration and immigration--History--19th century.
Rural capitalist
transformation, immigrants became involved with
industrialization of region as workers, investors in Welsh-owned
charcoal iron companies; how these strict Calvinists responded
to moral dilemmas posed by leaving native land, experiencing
economic success in United States.
(Ohio), Kim M. Gruenwald (2002).
River of Enterprise: The Commercial Origins of Regional Identity
in the Ohio Valley, 1790-1850. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press, p.). Regionalism--Ohio River Valley--History;
Frontier and pioneer life--Ohio River Valley; Merchants--Ohio
River Valley--History; Pioneers--Ohio River Valley--History;
Woodbridge family; Merchants--Ohio--Marietta--Biography;
Pioneers--Ohio--Marietta--Biography; Ohio River Valley--Social
conditions; Ohio River Valley--Economic conditions; Ohio River
Valley--Commerce--Social aspects--History.
(Ohio - Akron), Hugh Allen; with a foreword by
Lloyd C. Douglas (1949).
Rubber's Home Town, The Real-Life Story of Akron. (New
York, NY: Stratford House, 265 p.). Akron (Ohio)--History.
(Ohio - Akron), Robert
A. Musson (1997). Brewing Beer
in the Rubber City: A History of Akron’s Brewing
Industry from 1845 to 1997. (Akron, OH, R.A.
Musson, 265 p.). Breweries --Ohio --Akron --History.
(Ohio - Cincinnati), Timothy
J. Holian (2000). Over the Barrel: The
Brewing History and Beer Culture of Cincinnati, 1800 to the
Present. (St. Joseph, MO : Sudhaus Press, St. Joseph, MO
: Sudhaus Press, p.). Beer industry --Ohio --Cincinnati
--History; Breweries --Ohio --Cincinnati --History.
(Ohio - Cleveland), Robert
A. Musson (2005).
Brewing in Cleveland. (Charleston, SC
Arcadia, 128 p.). Brewing industry --Ohio
--Cleveland --History --Pictorial works; Beer
industry --Ohio --Cleveland --History --Pictorial
works; Breweries --Ohio --Cleveland --History
--Pictorial works; Cleveland (Ohio) --History.
(Ohio - Middletown), Roger l. Miller, George
C. Crout. (2000).
Middletown, Ohio: The Steel City. (Chicago, IL g:
Arcadia Publishing, 128 p.). Ohio--Middletown--history; American
Rolling Mill Co.--Middletown--history; Verity, George Matthew,
(Ohio - Youngstown), Sean Safford (2009).
Why the Garden Club Couldn't Save Youngstown: The
Transformation of the Rust Belt. (Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 158 p.). Assistant
Professor of Organizations and Markets at the University
of Chicago's Graduate School of Business. Industries
--Ohio --Youngstown; Industries --Pennsylvania
--Allentown; Deindustrialization --Ohio --Youngstown
--History; Youngstown (Ohio) --Economic conditions;
Allentown (Pa.) --Economic conditions.
Economic revitalization of Allentown, PA
compared to economic decline Youngstown, OH - structure of social
networks among cities' economic, political, civic
leaders account for divergent trajectories of
post-industrial regions, explain decline, fall, unlikely
rejuvenation of Rust Belt; power of social networks to
shape action, determine access to, control over
information and resources; contexts in which problems
are viewed, enable collective action in face of
externally generated crises; present-day policy
(Oklahoma - Tulsa), James O. Kemm
Tulsa: Oil Capital of the World. (Charleston, SC:
Arcadia Pub, 128 p.). Petroleum industry and
trade--Oklahoma--Tulsa--History--20th century--Pictorial works;
Oil fields--Oklahoma--Tulsa--History--20th century--Pictorial
works; Tulsa (Okla.)--History--20th century--Pictorial works;
Tulsa (Okla.)--Economic conditions--20th century--Pictorial
- gusher of "black gold" sprang up at Glenn Pool, southwest of
Tulsa, two years before Oklahoma became a state; first major oil
field in Oklahoma.
(Oregon), Gordon B. Dodds, Craig E. Wollner
The Silicon Forest: High Tech in the Portland Area 1945 to 1986.
(Portland, OR: Oregon Historical Society, 226 p.). High
technology industries--Oregon--Portland Region--History.
(Oregon), William G. Robbins; foreword by
William Cronon (1997).
Landscapes of Promise: The Oregon Story, 1800-1940.
(Seattle : University of Washington Press: Seattle : University
of Washington Press, 392 p.). Oregon --Environmental conditions
--History. Advent of
Industrialism, 1850-1890; extending of Industrial
Infrastructure, 1890-1940.
--- (2004).
Landscapes of Conflict: The Oregon Story, 1940-2000.
(Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 414 p.). Oregon
--Environmental conditions --History.
(Pennsylvania), Thomas Dublin and Walter Licht
The Face of Decline: The Pennsylvania Anthracite Region in the
Twentieth Century. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Press,, 277 p.). Professor of History, Binghamton University
(State University of New York); Professor of History (University
of Pennsylvania). Anthracite coal
industry--Pennsylvania--History--20th century; Coal
miners--Pennsylvania--History--20th century;
Pennsylvania--Economic conditions--20th century.
Impact of enduring economic
decline across wide region, focus especially on small group of
mining communities in region’s Panther Valley.
(Pennsylvania), Barbara L. Jones with Edward K. Muller and
Joel A. Tarr (2006).
Born of Fire: The Valley of Work: Industrial Scenes of
Southwestern Pennsylvania. (Greensburg, PA: Westmoreland
Museum of American Art, 160 p.). Industries in art; Steel
industry and trade in art; Art, American --Pennsylvania
--Pittsburgh --19th century; Art, American --Pennsylvania
--Pittsburgh --20th century. Development,
distribution and promotional social enterprise that generates
products and other offerings promoting southwestern
Pennsylvania’s industrial and cultural heritage.
(Pennsylvania - Philadelphia), Daniel Nelson
A Checklist of Writings on the Economic History of the Greater
Philadelphia-Wilmington Region. (Greenville, DE:
Eleutherian Mills Historical Library, 123 p.). Philadelphia
Metropolitan Area (Pa.) --Economic conditions --Bibliography;
Wilmington Metropolitan Area (Del.) --Economic conditions
(Pennsylvania) - Philadelphia), Andrew M.
Schocket (2007).
Founding Corporate Power in Early National Philadelphia.
(DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 288 p.).
Assistant Professor of History (Bowling Green State University).
Corporations--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--History; Philadelphia
(Pa.)--Commerce--History. Corporate aristocracy created new form of power; corporations
answered needs that private individuals or partnerships could
not, government would not, supply.
(Scranton PA), Patrick Brown (2010).
Industrial Pioneers: Scranton, Pennsylvania and the
Transformation of America 1840-1902. (Archbald, PA
Tribute Books, 142 p.). Teaches high school social studies in
the Mississippi Delta through Teach for America. Scranton, PA --
history; 1840-1902 - Scranton served as face of rising
America, hub of technology and innovation; changed from a lazy
backwoods community to modern industrial society with 100,000
residents; citizens desperately tried to adapt to rapid changes
around them; forged world views that defined 20th century.
(Quebec - Atlantic Provinces), Gordon Pitts
The Codfathers: Lessons from the Atlantic Business Elite.
(Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 328 p.). Businessmen--Atlantic
Provinces; Entrepreneurs--Atlantic Provinces; Family-owned
business enterprises--Atlantic Provinces.
(Quebec - Montreal), Gerald J. J. Tulchinsky
The River Barons: Montreal Businessmen and the Growth of
Industry and Transportation, 1837-53. (Toronto, ON:
University of Toronto Press, 310 p.). Businesspeople--Québec
(Province)--Montreal--History; Industries--Qeébec
(Province)--Montréal--History; Railroads--Canada--History;
(Quebec - Montreal), Robert Lewis (2000).
Manufacturing Montreal: The Making of an Industrial Landscape,
1850 to 1930. (Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins
University Press, 336 p.). Associate Professor of Geography
(University of Toronto). Industries--Que´bec
(Province)--Montreal; Manufacturing industries--Que´bec
(Province)--Montreal; Industrial productivity--Quebec
(Province)--Montreal; Montreal (Quebec)--Economic conditions.
Geographic account of
major North American city's industrial landscape from beginnings
of industrialization to Great Depression - process of industrial
decentralization ongoing since 1850s.
Eds. James Tomlinson and Christopher Whatley
Jute No More: Transforming Dundee. (Dundee, UK:
Dundee University Press, 300 p.). Historians (University of
Dundee). juteopolis; Dundee (Scotland) -- History; Dundee
(Scotland) -- Social conditions. Development of city of Dundee
over century; world’s jute manufacturing capital, Juteopolis, at
end of Victorian era; social distress – steam and smoke fro
factory chimnies, substandard and overcrowded housing, high
infant mortality, harsh working environment and low wages
(especially for predominantly female workforce); industrial
decline, its social and political consequences; effect of urban
transformation on jobs, physical environment, social life,
culture and politics.
(Scotland - New Lanark), Ian
Donnachie and George Hewitt (1993).
Historic New Lanark: The Dale and Owen Industrial
Community Since 1785. (Edinburgh, Scotland:
Edinburgh University Press, 245 p.). Owen, Robert,
1771-1858 --Homes and haunts --Scotland --New Lanark;
Dale, David, 1739-1806; Textile industry --Scotland
--New Lanark --History; New Lanark (Scotland) --History.
(U. S. - South), Eds. Susanna Delfino; Michele
Gillespie (2005).
Global Perspectives on Industrial Transformation in the American
South. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 240
p.). Industrialization--Southern States; Industrialization;
Comparative economics. Economic evolution of American South from late colonial period
to World War I and beyond - industrialization and productivity,
comparisons to Atlantic and world economy.
(South Carolina), Peter A. Coclanis (1989).
The Shadow of a Dream: Economic Life and Death in the South
Carolina Low Country, 1670-1920. (New York, NY:
Oxford University Press, 370 p.). Director of the Global
Research Institute and Albert R. Newsome Professor (University
of California, Chapel Hill). Charleston Region (S.C.) --Economic
conditions. Economic, social rise and fall
of Charleston, surrounding South
Carolina low country over 250 years; interaction of external,
internal forces on city, countryside; effects of various factors
on region's economy from colonial beginnings to collapse in
19th, early 20th centuries (environment, market, economic and
political ideology, social institutions).
(South Carolina),
James H. Tuten (2010).
Lowcountry Time and Tide: The Fall of the South Carolina Rice
Kingdom. (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina
Press, 200 p.).
Associate Professor of History and Former Assistant Provost
(Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA). History
of rice culture in South Carolina through Reconstruction era;
industry's manifestations, decline from 1877 to 1930; changes in
agricultural techniques, tools during period; how rice planters
became adaptive, progressive despite conservative reputations;
cultural history of rice as foodway, symbol of wealth in
lowcountry; lasting legacy of rice culture; agricultural, environmental, economic, cultural,
climatic forces stacked against planters, laborers, millers
struggling to perpetuate once-lucrative industry through
challenging postbellum years, into hardscrabble 20th century;
ways in which rice producers sought to revive rice production;
rice planting retained perceived cultural mystique, led many to
struggle with its farming long after profits eliminated; tried
to innovate; thwarted by insurmountable challenges
of postwar economy, series of hurricanes that destroyed crops,
infrastructure necessary to sustain planting.
(South Carolina - Spartanburg), Bruce W. Eelman (2008).
Entrepreneurs in the Southern Upcountry: Commercial Culture in
Spartanburg, South Carolina, 1845-1880. (Athens, GA:
University of Georgia Press, 313 p.). Professor of History
(Siena College). Industries --South Carolina --Spartanburg
--History --19th century; Industrialization --South Carolina
--Spartanburg --History --19th century; Entrepreneurship --South
Carolina --Spartanburg --History --19th century.
Evolution of
entrepreneurial culture in 19th-century southern community
outside plantation belt; antebellum Spartanburg businessmen
advocated comprehensive vision for modernizing their region
(still supported slavery, racial segregation); slowed legal, educational reform only
when its implementation seemed likely to empower African
(Tanzania), M. S. Silver (1984).
The Growth of Manufacturing Industry in Tanzania: An Economic
History. (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 323 p.).
Manufacturing industries--Tanzania--History.
(Tennessee - Memphis), Robert A. Sigafoos
Cotton Row to Beale Street: A Business History of Memphis.
(Memphis, TN: Memphis State University Press, 384 p.).
Business--History; Memphis (Tenn.)--Economic conditions; Memphis
(Tennessee - Nashville), Bill Carey (2000).
Fortunes, Fiddles & Fried Chicken: A Nashville Business History.
(Franklin, TN: Hillsboro Press, 500 p.).
Corporations--Tennessee--Nashville--History; Business
Industries--Tennessee--Nashville--History; Nashville
(Tenn.)--Biography; Nashville (Tenn.)--Economic conditions;
Nashville (Tenn.)--Commerce--History.
(Tennessee - Nashville), Martin Hawkins
A Shot in the Dark: Making Records in Nashville 1945-1955.
(Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 318 p.). Sound
recording industry--Tennessee--Nashville--History; Popular
music--History and criticism. Focus on recording companies,
studios, DJs, other music promoters; sights, sounds, and stories
of this vibrant and influential decade in Nashville music
(Tennessee - Nashville), Michael Kosser
How Nashville Became Music City, U.S.A.: 50 Years of Music Row.
(Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 368 p.). Country music--History and
criticism; Music trade--Tennessee--Nashville.
Evolution of center of music
from single studio in tiny duplex which became Music Row.
(Texas - El Paso), Henk A. Haring (1985).
Sunbelt Frontier and Border Economy: Manufacturing in El
Paso-Ciudad Juarez. (Utrecht, Netherlands: Dept. of
Geography, University of Utrecht, 146 p.). Manufacturing
industries--Texas--El Paso; Manufacturing
industries--Mexico--Ciudad Juarez; Offshore assembly
industry--Mexico--Ciudad Juarez; El Paso (Tex.)--Economic
conditions; Mexican-American Border Region--Economic conditions.
(Texas - El Paso),
Monica Perales (2010).
Smeltertown: Making and Remembering a Southwest Border Community.
(Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 336 p.).
Assistant Professor of History (University of Houston). Mexican
Americans --Texas --Smeltertown --History; Mexican Americans
--Texas --Smeltertown --Biography; Mexican Americans --Texas --Smeltertown
--Ethnic identity; Working class --Texas --Smeltertown
--History; Smelting --Social aspects --Texas --Smeltertown --History; Community
life --Texas --Smeltertown --History; Collective memory --Texas
--Smeltertown; Company towns --Mexican-American Border Region
--Case studies; Smeltertown (Tex.) --History; Smeltertown (Tex.)
--Biography. Birth, growth, ultimate demise
of working class community in largest U.S. city on Mexican
border (on banks of Rio Grande), at heart of
railroad, mining, smelting empire; home to generations of ethnic
Mexicans (labored at American Smelting and Refining Company
in El Paso, Texas); ethnic
Mexicans at center of transnational capitalism; making of urban
West; multiple real, imagined social worlds created by
company, church, schools, residents themselves; residents forged
permanence, meaning in shadow of smelter's giant smokstacks;
how people and places invent, reinvent themselves; vibrant
community grappling with own sense of itself, its place in
history, collective memory.
(United Arab
Emirates -Dubai),
Jim Krane (2009).
City of Gold: Dubai and the Dream of Capitalism. (New
York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 368 p.). Former AP Baghdad
Correspondent. Capitalism --United Arab Emirates --Dubayy;
Dubayy (United Arab Emirates : Emirate) --History; Dubayy
(United Arab Emirates : Emirate) --Economic conditions --21st
century. Everything Arab world isn’t - freewheeling capitalist
oasis in desert; history of Dubai from earliest days, influence
of Maktoum family; 1960s - dusty village, transformed into
quintessential metropolis of future through vision of clever
sheiks, British entrepreneurs, American capitalists; tolerant,
cosmopolitan city with luxurious resorts, architectural
landmarks, outposts of America’s most prestigious companies,
universities; effect of global economic downturn.
(U. S. - South), James C. Cobb
Industrialization and Southern Society, 1877-1984.
(Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 185 p.).
B. Phinizy Spalding Distinguished Professor of History
(The University of Georgia), Former President of the
Southern Historical Association. Industrialization
--Southern States --History; Industrial promotion
--Southern States --History.
Industrial development left much of South's poverty
unrelieved, often reinforced rather than undermined its
conservative social, political philosophy; exploitation
of South's resources, largely by interests from outside
region, perpetuated, strengthened as industrialization
proceeded; 20th Century brought increasing competition
for industry that favored management over labor,
exploitation over protection of environment; region
unable to follow path of development taken by northern
industrialized states, industrialized South yet to
escape shadow of deprived past.
(U. S. - South), James C. Cobb
The Selling of the South: The Southern Crusade for
Industrial Development 1936-1990. (Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois Press, 309 p. [2nd ed.]). B.
Phinizy Spalding Distinguished Professor of History
(University of Georgia), Former President of the
Southern Historical Association. Industrial promotion
--Southern States; Southern States --Economic conditions
--1918-. Efforts of political,
business leaders in South to attract manufacturing
companies from North, from other countries; use of
subsidies, tax breaks, open-shop laws, other economic
and political incentives to automobile producers, other
manufacturing firms which promised jobs in exchange for
state aid.
(U. S. - South), Eds. Susanna Delfino; Michele
Gillespie (2005).
Global Perspectives on Industrial Transformation in the American
South. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 240
p.). Industrialization--Southern States; Industrialization;
Comparative economics. Economic evolution of American South from late colonial period
to World War I and beyond - industrialization and productivity,
comparisons to Atlantic and world economy.
(United States - Southwest),
Erika Marie Bsumek (2008).
Indian-Made: Navajo Culture in the Marketplace,
1868-1940. (Lawrence, KS: University Press of
Kansas, 292 p.). Assistant Professor of History
(University of Texas at Austin). Navajo Indians
--Commerce; Navajo weavers --History; Navajo textile
fabrics --History; Trading posts --Southwest, New
American Indian material culture;
complex links between Indian identity,
emergence of tourism in Southwest; how production,
distribution, consumption became interdependent concepts
shaped by forces of consumerism, race relations, federal
policy; collaborating traders, tourist industry
personnel, ethnologists created vision of Navajo
culture that had little to do with Navajos themselves;
how market economy perpetuated "Navaho" stereotypes,
cultural assumptions; how artisans' increasing use of
modern tools created controversy about authenticity; how
meaning of "Indian made" label was challenged
in court.
(Vermont), Victor R. Rolando (1992).
Two Hundred Years of Soot and Sweat: The History and Archeology
of Vermont’s Iron, Charcoal, and Lime Industries.
(Burlington, VT: Vermont Archaeological Society, 296 p.).
Industrial archaeology --Vermont; Iron industry and trade
--Vermont --History; Charcoal industry --Vermont --History; Lime
industry --Vermont --History.
(Virginia), Sean Patrick Adams (2004).
Old Dominion, Industrial Commonwealth: Coal, Politics, and
Economy in Antebellum America. (Baltimore, MD: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 305 p.). Assistant Professor of
History (University of Central Florida). Coal
trade--Pennsylvania--History; Coal trade--Virginia--History.
Political economies of coal in Virginia and Pennsylvania from
late eighteenth century through Civil War.
(Virginia), Clyde A. Haulman (2008).
Virginia and the Panic of 1819: The First Great Depression and
the Commonwealth. (Brookfield, VT: Pickering & Chatto
Ltd., 198 p.). Chancellor Professor of Economics and Chair,
Department of Economics (College of William and Mary). Panic of
1819; Virginia -- history; Economic history -- 1800-1850;
crises--economic; Depressions -- 1829. America's first experience of boom-bust cycle; booming
agricultural exports, transatlantic trade, intense land
speculation westwards, easy credit from state banks and newly
created Second Bank of the United States; boom ended as foreign
markets dried up, prices fell, credit withdrawn; one of most
dramatic economic crises experienced by US during 19th century;
characteristics of ensuing depression, its impacts on Virginia,
nation.David T. Gilbert (Virginia - Harper's Ferry)
Where Industry Failed: Water-Powered Mills at Harpers Ferry,
West Virginia. (Charleston, WV: Pictorial Histories Pub.
Co., 86 p.). Water mills --West Virginia --Harpers Ferry
--History; Harpers Ferry (W. Va.) --History.
(Virginia - Harper's Ferry), Paul A. Shackel
Culture Change and the New Technology: An Archaeology of the
Early American Industrial Era. (New York, NY: Plenum
Press, 217 p.). Armories --West Virginia --Harpers Ferry
--History --19th century; Industrial archaeology --West Virginia
--Harpers Ferry; Industrialization --West Virginia --Harpers
Ferry --History --19th century; Firearms industry and trade
--Employees --West Virginia --Harpers Ferry --History --19th
century; Harpers Ferry (W. Va.) --Antiquities.
Harpers Ferry - one of
America's earliest, most significant industrial communities;
historical archaeology, culture change, influence of new
technology on workers, their families as economy transformed
from craft-based to industrial.
(Virginia - Harper's Ferry), David T. Gilbert
Waterpower: Mills, Factories, Machines & Floods at Harpers
Ferry, West Virginia, 1762-1991. (Harpers Ferry, WV:
Harpers Ferry Historical Association, 192 p.). Water-power
--West Virginia --Harpers Ferry --History; Industries --West
Virginia --Harpers Ferry --History; Industrial archaeology
--West Virginia --Harpers Ferry.
(Washington - Seattle), Shauna
O’Reilly, Brennan O’Reilly (2009).
Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition Published/Created: San
Francisco, CA : Arcadia Pub., 2009. (San
Francisco, CA: Arcadia Pub., 128 p.).
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition (1909: Seattle, Wash.);
Exhibitions --Washington --Seattle; Seattle (Wash.)
--Pictorial works.
First "world’s fair" held in Seattle;
designed to showcase riches of Pacific Northwest,
highlight trade with Pacific Rim nations and beyond;
became location for University of Washington campus;
ornate European-style architecture, fountains and
gardens, amusements of the Pay Streak, exotic Oriental
exhibits; entertained, educated, brought needed business
to Washington State.
(Washington - Seattle), Alan J.
Stein, Paula Becker, The HistoryLink.org staff (2009).
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition: Washington’s First
World’s Fair, A Timeline History. (Seattle, WA:
HistoryLink / University of Washington Press, 188 p.).
HistoryLink.org staff historian; staff historian for
HistoryLink.org. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition (1909:
Seattle, Wash.); Exhibitions --Washington --Seattle;
Seattle (Wash.) --Pictorial works.
History of fair that brought Seattle and Washington into
national spotlight; major community effort for state
that was only twenty years old; first world's fair to
make profit, provided platform for advocates of woman
suffrage, set general plan for University of Washington
(West Virginia - Harpers Ferry), Paul A.
Shackel (1996).
Culture Change and the New Technology: An Archaeology of the
Early American Industrial Era. (New York, NY: Plenum
Press, 217 p.). Armories--West Virginia--Harpers
Ferry--History--19th century; Industrial archaeology--West
Virginia--Harpers Ferry; Industrialization--West
Virginia--Harpers Ferry--History--19th century; Firearms
industry and trade--Employees--West Virginia--Harpers
Ferry--History--19th century; Harpers Ferry (W.
(Wisconsin), Margaret Walsh (1972).
The Manufacturing Frontier; Pioneer Industry in Antebellum
Wisconsin, 1830-1860. (Madison, WI: State Historical
Society of Wisconsin, 263 p.). Manufacturing
industries--Wisconsin--History--19th century;
Industries--Wisconsin--History--19th century; Frontier and
pioneer life--Wisconsin; Wisconsin--Economic conditions.
(Wisconsin), Jerry Apps (2004).
Cheese: The Making of a Wisconsin Tradition. (Madison,
WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 232 p. [orig. pub. 1998]).
Professor Emeritus (University of Wisconsin-Madison).
Cheese--Wisconsin; Cheese--Wisconsin--History; Cheese
factories--Wisconsin. History of cheese-making industry in Wisconsin from inception in 1940s to present.
(Wisconsin - Milwaukee), Clay McShane (1975).
Technology and Reform: Street Railways and the Growth of
Milwaukee, 1887-1900. (Madison, WI: State Historical
Society of Wisconsin for the Dept. of History, University of
Wisconsin, 187 p.). Street-railroads --Milwaukee --History;
Urbanization --Milwaukee --History; Milwaukee (Wis.) --Economic
(Wisconsin - Niagara), Carol D. Miller (2007).
Niagara Falling: Globalization in a Small Town. (Lanham,
MD: Lexington Books, 134 p.). Professor in the Department of
Sociology and Archeology (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse).
Stora Enso North America; Business enterprises,
Foreign--Wisconsin--Niagara; Industries--Social
aspects--Wisconsin--Niagara; Globalization--Social
aspects--Wisconsin--Niagara; Community life--Wisconsin--Niagara;
Niagara (Wis.)--Social conditions--21st century; Niagara
(Wis.)--Economic conditions--21st century. "Globalization in reverse" - what
happens to small community, Niagara, WI, when forced into global
economy, when foreign-based companies operate in community in
United States; how local government, civic engagement,
education, environment are affected.
(Wyoming), Milton L. Woods (1985).
Sometimes the Books Froze: Wyoming’s Economy and Its Banks.
(Boulder, CO: Colorado Associated University Press, 198 p.).
Banks and banking--Wyoming--History; Wyoming--Economic
(Zimbabwe), A.S. Mlambo, E.S. Pangeti, and I.
Phimister (2000).
Zimbabwe: A History of Manufacturing, 1890-1995. (Mount
Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe: University of Zimbabwe Publications,
132 p.). Manufacturing industries----History.
Takeshi Abe; Douglas A. Farnie; David J. Jeremy; Tetuso
Nakaoka; John F. Wilson (1999).
Region and Strategy in Britain and Japan: Business in Lancashire
and Kansai, 1890-1990. (New York, NY: Routledge, 322
p.). Industries --England --Lancashire --History; Industries
--Japan --Kansai Region --History; Lancashire (England)
--Economic policy; Kansai Region (Japan) --Economic policy.
Importance of regional, national differences in industrial
development; long term comparison of the two regions of
Lancashire and Kansai.
Eds. Arora Arora and Alfonso Gambardella
From Underdogs to Tigers: The Rise and Growth of the Software
Industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland, and Israel.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 313 p.). Computer
software industry; Globalization.
C. J. Bliss and N.H. Stern (1982).
Palanpur, The Economy of an Indian Village. (New York,
NY: Oxford University Press, 340 p.). Pa¯lanpur
(India)--Economic conditions.
Eds. Oliver J. Dinius, Angela Vergara (2011).
Company Towns in the Americas: Landscape, Power, and
Working-Class Communities. (Athens, GA: University of
Georgia Press, 236 p.). Croft Associate Professor of History and
International Studies (University of Mississippi); assistant
professor of history (California State University, Los Angeles).
Company towns --America --History; Industrialization --America
--History; Social engineering --America --History.
How national
politics, social protest, local culture transformed founding
ideologies; advanced frontiers of industrial capitalism, became
powerful symbols of modernity, expanded national economies,
supported extractive industries on thinly settled frontiers,
brought more land, natural resources, people under control of
corporations; U.S. multinational companies exported ideas about
work discipline, race, gender to Latin America as they
established company towns to extend economic reach; employers
shaped social relations through education, welfare, leisure
programs; how working-class communities reshaped these programs
to serve their needs; company towns in six countries: Argentina
(Firmat), Brazil (Volta Redonda, Santos, Fordlândia), Canada
(Sudbury), Chile (El Salvador), Mexico (Santa Rosa, Río Blanco),
United States (Anaconda, Kellogg, and Sunflower City).
John D. Haeger (1981). The Investment
Frontier: New York Businessmen and the Economic Development of
the Old Northwest. (Albany, NY: State University of New York
Press, 311 p.). Bronson, Arthur; Butler, Charles, 1802-1897;
Investments --West (U.S.) --History --19th century; Capitalists
and financiers --New York (State) --History --19th century;
Capitalists and financiers --West (U.S.) --History --19th
century; West (U.S.) --Economic conditions --19th century.
John Majewski (2000).
A House Dividing: Economic Development in Pennsylvania and
Virginia Before the Civil War. (New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press, 214 p.). Associate Professor (University of
California at Los Angeles).
Railroads--Pennsylvania--History--19th century;
Railroads--Virginia--History--19th century; Free
enterprise--Pennsylvania--History--19th century;
Slavery--Virginia--History--19th century; Pennsylvania--Economic
conditions; Virginia--Economic conditions. Contrasting case studies of role
of farmers, townsmen, elites in fighting for, financing market
David G. McKendrick, Richard F. Doner, Stephan
Haggard (2000).
From Silicon Valley to Singapore: Location and Competitive
Advantage in the Hard Disk Drive Industry. (Stanford,
CA: Stanford University Press, 351 p.). Data disk drives
industry--Asia, Southeastern--Case studies; Data disk drives
industry--United States; Industrial location--Case studies;
Comparative advantage (International trade)--Case studies;
Competition, International--Case studies.
Gail Fowler Mohanty (2006).
Labor and Laborers of the Loom: Mechanization and Handloom
Weavers, 1780-1840. (New York, NY: Routledge, 278 p.).
Handloom industry --Rhode Island --History; Weavers --Rhode
Island --History; Industrialization --Rhode Island --History.
Impact of technological
change on outwork and craft weavers; rapid growth of handloom
weaving in response to introduction of water powered spinning.
Albert W. Niemi, Jr. (1974).
State and Regional Patterns in American Manufacturing, 1860-1900.
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 209 p.). Manufacturing
industries--United States--History; Industrial location--United
Eds. Helzi Noponen, Julie Graham, and Ann R.
Markusen (1993).
Trading Industries, Trading Regions: International Trade,
American Industry, and Regional Economic Development.
(New York, NY: The Guilford Press, 31o p.). University of North
Carolina; University of Massachusetts; Rutgers University.
Industrial location; economic geography. Increasing role played
by international forces in domestic economics - trade,
international distribution of economic activity, regional
economic development, employment, adjustment costs; success in
trade fundamentally shaped by governmental intervention; economic,
social costs.
Paul E. Rivard (2002).
A New Order of Things: How the Textile Industry Transformed New
England. (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England,
156 p.). Textile industry--New England--History; Industrial
revolution--New England.
Matthew A. Zook (2005).
The Geography of the Internet Industry: Venture Capital, Dot-Coms,
and Local Knowledge. (Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 200
p.,). Internet industry--Location.
Business History Links
Best Performing Cities 2005: Where
America's Jobs Are Created and Sustained
This February 2006 report
"ranks 379 U.S. metropolitan areas based on their economic
performance and their ability to create, as well as keep, the
greatest number of jobs in the nation." Includes large
metropolitan area and small cities rankings back to 2003 and the
full text of the 2005 report (requires free registration). From
the Milken Institute, "an independent economic think tank."
Powerhouse Museum
Australia's largest and most popular museum, located in Darling
Harbour, Sydney. Its unique and diverse collection of 385,000
objects spans history, science, technology, design, industry,
decorative arts, music, transport and space exploration. We
conceive exhibitions and programs around the primary theme of
‘human ingenuity’, exhibitions and programs based on the ideas
and technologies that have changed our world, and the stories of
the people who create and inspire them.
Canada: Nova
Scotia -
Nova Scotia Museum
of Industry
Atlantic Canada's largest museum! Fascinating story of Nova
Scotia's industrial workers, including unique machines,
technology; stories of sweat, grit, tears, tragedies and
triumphs. Industrial Revolution to the Age of Computers, mines,
factories, railroads, home-based industries and more.
Florida: Tampa
Tampa Bay History Center
January 17, 2009 - Opening of The Tampa Bay History Center,
non-profit educational institution in downtown Tampa, Florida;
its exciting mission is to educate visitors about the important
history that has shaped and continues to shape the Tampa Bay
area. Today, the Tampa Bay History Center provides quality
historical and educational services and programs. The
beneficiaries over time are the region’s three million permanent
residents and more than 15 million annual visitors. Centerpiece
of the seaport's opening exhibit will be a cargo container –
about 20 feet long and 8 1/2 feet wide – that has been converted
into a theater where a film titled "Now Loading" will be shown.
Visitors will be able to manipulate models of ships and trains
to learn about the city's seaport and transportation system.
Georgia -
Berry College Center for Economic Education
http://www.berry.edu/academics/education/econed/ Established in 1974 under the leadership of Ouida Word Dickey,
the Center for Economic Education is in its first year operating
under the umbrella of Berry’s Charter School of Education and
Human Sciences and affiliated with the Georgia Council on
Economic Education (GCEE). Its goal is to provide teachers with
a supportive network, access to professional training and
curriculum materials. Area school administrators are welcome to
contact the center staff to arrange special topic workshops and
Germany: Rhineland
Industriemuseum (National
Industrial and Social History)
Six listed, some completely intact plants, in Rhineland -
Oberhausen, Ratingen, Solingen, Bergisch Gladbach, Engelskirchen
and Euskirchen; thematic core - textile, metal, paper and
electricity industries (considered typical of the Rhineland
industrial landscape).
The factory, a central exhibit in the museum concept, is seen as
an important technical, spatial and social institution that has
defined environment; engineering, sociology and social history
aspects of living and working in the industrial era of the
Great Britain:
Made in Birmingham-
Birmingham's Industrial History
Celebrating the industrial history of Smethwick & Birmingham.
Britain: Cambridge -
Cambridge Museum of Technology
Purpose is to promote and enhance appreciation of the role of
science and technology and its impact on the environment.
Britain: East Shropshire -
Ironbridge Gorge
Industrial Revolution
in the six square miles of the Ironbridge Gorge; 1779 - world's
first cast iron bridge built over River Severn at Coalbrookdale,
Telford, UK (far reaching impact: on local society, economy, on
bridge design and on use of cast iron in building); world famous
symbol of the Industrial Revolution in rural East Shropshire
(1635 - Broseley and
Benthall produced around 100,000 tons of coal per year mainly
for export, for fuelling local clay industries and lead;
nearest bridge 2 miles away; March 1776 -Royal Assent granted
to The Act to build a bridge); notable early engineers included
Telford, Boulton and Watt, Trevithick; achievements of
pioneering industrialists (Abraham Darby, William Reynolds, John
Wilkinson) led to Ironbridge Gorge's becoming, by close of 18th
century, most technologically advanced area in the world.
Great Britain -
Exeter: Commercial and
Industrial Business
Great Britain:
Manchester -
Museum of Science &
Industry in Manchester (UK)
Located on the historic site
of the world’s oldest surviving passenger railway station,
galleries and collections tell the story of Manchester’s
scientific and industrial past, present and future.
Great Britain -
Sheffield Industrial
Museums Trust
Sheffield’s Industrial Museums tell the story of a great
industrial city from the past to the present. Known by many as
Steel City, Sheffield is famous for its steel, cutlery and
toolmaking history, the quality of its products and the skills
of its workers. From early water-powered grinding wheels to the
giant steelworks of Sheffield’s east end the workers, the
inventions, the wealth and the poverty – you can explore it all
at Kelham Island Museum, Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet and
Shepherd Wheel.
Great Britain:
West Midlands -
Workshop of the World
The West Midlands region of England has been an important center
of commerce and industry for well over five hundred years. The
city of Coventry was a dominant center of wool and clothing
manufacturing in the Middle Ages, and Birmingham was a prime
location of industry during the Industrial Revolution. Drawing
on the collections of museums in Birmingham, Coventry,
Stoke-on-Trent (and others), the Workshop of the World website
brings together some of the compelling inventions that came out
of the West Midlands region in the 19th century. Visitors can
look over several dozen of these inventions, including an
automatic wood screw making machine, a button shank making
device, and a rotative steam engine. Each object is accompanied
by a photo or illustration, and a short essay gives detailed
background information about the object’s importance and use.
Radio History blog
History of broadcasting and
the history of Houston; of the 15 stations to receive broadcast
licenses from early 1922 to early 1925 in the Houston-Galveston
area only one is still in operation, of all those licensed in
the 1920s only three are still on the air; stories of wireless
operators and their exploits, broadcasters, broadcasting
stations, performers and more, from the pre-World War I era down
through the ensuing decades.
- Coal Mining in Southern Illinois
C. William "Doc" Horrell documented
Illinois coal mining industry; took thousands of photographs,
some of formed heart of his 1973 book, "The Land Between the
Rivers"; online exhibit introduces users to Horrell's work;
images of abandoned coal mining facilities, men at work, coal
trains. decades.
(Indiana -
South Bend), Center for History
The Center for History’s mission is to collect, preserve,
interpret, exhibit and teach the heritage of the St. Joseph
River Valley region. First organized in 1867, the Center for
History is the second oldest historical society in Indiana.
Kansas City
Garment District Museum
The manufacturing of coats, suits, dresses, hats, and children's
wear started on the upper floors of the wholesale dry goods
buildings in the early 1920s. After World War I and through the
1940s the area employed over 4,000 persons and boasted that 1
out of every 7 women in the U.S. purchased a KC made garment.
Manufacturing of garments was the second largest employer of any
industry in KC.
Kansas Oil & Gas
Leading museum dedicated to
the discovery and development of the oil industry in Kansas;
indoor exhibits on farming, ranching and oil; Texaco Theater and
Kansas Oil and Gas Legacy Gallery.
Las Vegas
Classic Las Vegas is dedicated to helping to preserve the real
history of Las Vegas - story of incredible courage and of
desperation; of tragedy and heroic deeds; of injustice and of
compassion. And ultimately, of good guys trumping the bad guys.
So far we have conducted 130 video oral histories with these
courageous pioneers. Along with the preservation and archiving
of photos, memorabilia, home movies, journals and letters we are
creating an archive and a resource for anyone interested in the
real history of this amazing town.
Louisiana -
Tulane University Special Collections
The Tulane Manuscripts Department has over seventy collections
pertaining business persons and firms.
Massachusetts -
Boston History &
Innovation Collaborative
Founded in 1997 by Dr. Robert Krim (former chair of the Business
Department, Roxbury Community College), Liberty Mutual’s
then-CEO Gary Countryman, Pat Moscaritolo, leader of Boston’s
tourism industry, and historians Henry Lee and Brandeis Prof.
David Hackett Fischer; Boston History & Innovation Collaborative
is a not-for-profit alliance that works to sustain Greater
Boston’s 400-year tradition of innovation. Since 2003, its work
has focused on the question of why Boston became and has
remained a center of innovation for four centuries.
Massachusetts -
Boston: Shopping
Days In Retro Boston
http://shoppingdaysinretroboston.blogspot.com/ A place to
recall and celebrate the wonderful stores of a Downtown Boston
now alive only in our memories.
Charles River Museum of Industry
Located on the scenic banks of the Charles River in the historic
1814 Boston Manufacturing Company textile mill, on the National
Register of Historic Places as America's first factory: Francis
Cabot Lowell risked life and fortune when he secretly memorized
plans for English power looms, then developed a system of
manufacturing that propelled the newly-formed United States to
the top of world's industrial might; Waltham Watch Company,
which perfected the process of mass production as it produced
more than 40 million watches during 100 years of
operation; inventions that powered America into the modern age
-- steam engines, generators, timepieces, machine tools,
bicycles, automobiles, and hundreds of other gizmos - plus the
geniuses who perfected them.
Massachusetts Franklin County
- Museum of
Our Industrial Heritage
Factories and mills produced cutlery, hand tools, machine tools,
taps & dies, paper, textiles and numerous other products. The
museum's mission is to preserve the physical artifacts, archival
materials and social experiences of industrial Franklin County.
Massachusetts -
Lowell (MA): A City of
http://books.google.com/books?id=_jyAUgMw3dwC&pg= PA434&lpg=
PA434&dq= Lowell+Sun+%22Merrimack+ Square%22&source= web&ots=
C4UMAgVrLD&sig= AbRzRF3cFPzTP1u7iniTZmZmIRQ&hl=en&sa=X&oi= book_
By Lowell (Mass.) Trades and Labor Council of Lowell, MA -
Series of illustrated historical articles pertaing to the social
and industrial growth of Lowell.
Lowell -
Tsongas Industrial History Center
Partnership between the University of Massachusetts Lowell
Graduate School of Education and Lowell National Historical Park
where students investigate industrial history; hands-on history
center where students learn about the American Industrial
Revolution through hands-on activities and by experiencing
history where it happened. Students "do history" by weaving,
creating canal systems and testing water wheels, working on an
assembly line, role-playing immigrants, or becoming inventors.
Massachusetts -
Worcester Trivia -
Business and Industry
City of Worcester, MA, Office of the City Clerk.
Technology News
Launched in April 2000 by Mike Brennan. Web portal features
stories, information, events listings about Michigan technology
companies and entrepreneurs.
Missouri -
Saint Louis Mercantile
Opened on April 19, 1846 by civic leaders and philanthropists;
James E. Yeatman, owner of iron foundery, founder of Merchants'
National Bank, first president; oldest general library in
continuous existence West of the Mississippi River, grandparent
of all cultural institutions in St. Louis; task, as a research
library, is to make its collections, which have come to
concentrate on Western Expansion and the history, development,
and growth of the St. Louis region and of the American rail and
river transportation experiences, available to the widest number
of local and national users.
Muscatine History and Industry
Center collects, preserves, and interprets materials that
illustrate how local industry and its innovations of the past
and present benefit the Muscatine area. Examines products made
locally – from buttons to file cabinets and retread for tires to
animal feed. The companies producing these goods have more in
common than the location of Muscatine. Their histories are made
of humble beginnings, risk-taking entrepreneurs, innovative
technologies, strenuous days, and moments when driven
individuals pushed on in spite of possible failure. "Made in
Muscatine" means taking a chance, turning a vision into
prosperity, and evolving to meet new demands.
Netherlands -
for Industry and Society)
Opened in 1998, shows
reciprocal influence of industry and society in the Netherlands
– most especially in the Province of Limburg – during the last
150 years; range of different exhibits comprises a variety of
ceramic industries, coal mining, glass, metal and chemicals,
papermaking and food production. In addition the museum makes
clear the effects of industrial production. Themes range from
the life-size replica of an early factory building, via a
presentation on Dutch Trades Unions, to environment and
Nevada’s Center for Entrepreneurship
and Technology (NCET)
1999 - EDAWN, the Economic Development Authority of Western
Nevada, created the TechAlliance, an organization that promoted
entrepreneurism and technology commercialization throughout
Northern Nevada; 2003 - TechAlliance joined forces with NCED,
the Nevada Commission on Economic Development, to create
Nevada’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, a new
state-wide organization charged with encouraging and empowering
entrepreneurs and fostering an environment in which high-growth
entrepreneurial companies could succeed and flourish; 2007 -
NCET was spun-off as a independent 501(c)3 non-profit
organization to help Nevadans start and grow businesses and
connects them to the resources they need to succeed.
New Jersey:
Paterson -
in Paterson [Real Player
Occupational history projects have been popular for decades, and
authors like Studs Terkel helped bring the subject into the
mainstream. In 1994, the American Folklife Center at the Library
of Congress embarked on a four-month project to study the
occupational culture in Paterson, New Jersey. The site was
furtive ground, and Paterson is considered to be the cradle of
the Industrial Revolution in the United States. This online
project brings together some of the documents from this
intensive investigation, including 470 interview excerpts and
3,882 photographs. On the homepage, visitors can look at
historical maps of the study area, and read thematic essays like
"African American Family Business" and "Narratives of Work".
Visitors can search through the collection at their leisure or
also perform an advanced search across all of the materials
here. Additionally, the site also has audio excerpts from some
of the interviews, and these can be browsed alphabetically.
New York -
Buffalo, NY Business History
on the Web
New York
- The Long Island Museum of
American Art, History & Carriages
Mission is
to inspire understanding and appreciation of America's
multifaceted social and cultural heritage, with an emphasis on
Long Island and its people. In support of its mission, the
museum: preserves, develops, and interprets nationally and
internationally recognized collections of art, horse-drawn
vehicles, and historic artifacts and buildings; and promotes
educational and aesthetic experiences that enrich the lives of
the broadest possible audience.
New York -
Long Island Technology Hall of
Objective: to
recognize, honor and preserve the contributions,
accomplishments, and dedication of historical figures or
current leaders in science or technology who have had, or
are having, an impact on Long Island.
New York -
Lost New York City
Established January 2006 as a running Jeremiad on the vestiges
of Old New York as they are steamrolled under or threatened by
the currently ruthless real estate market and the City Fathers'
disregard for Gotham's historical and cultural fabric.
New Zealand
- University of
Auckland Business History Project
Project of civic importance that will capture the story of the
region and its economic development.
Carolina -
History of Business in North Carolina
Historic and economic story of
the Old North State, from Colonial times to the 21st Century;
1790 - ranked third in population in U.S. (fifth place by 1820);
1804 - Bank of Cape Fear chartered; 1815 - Michael Schenk
established first textile mill in Lincoln County; 1840 - more
than 3,400 manufacturers (primarily different types of mills),
14,322 employees (3,642 firms with 13,622 employees in 1870);
1860 - about 45 textile mills in operation (39 cotton, 7 wool;
1870 - 85 mills, nearly $3 million in capital, employed more
than 3,000 workers, manufactured about $3 million in products;
1880s - large-scale furniture manufacturing began; 1899 - 177
textile mills with 30,273 workers, 1.1 million spindles (5th in
U.S.); produced $28.4 million in textile products (vs. $110.5
million in #1 Massachusetts); 1900 - 224,637 farms (283,482
farms in 1925); 1923 - 351 textile mills employed 81,041
workers, produced $326.5 million in goods (#2 in U.S.); end of
1920s - led nation in production of cotton textiles, wooden
furniture, tobacco products; 2010 - Charlotte is second largest
banking center in U.S.
North Carolina Transportation Museum
Seeks to preserve and
interpret the history of transportation in North Carolina.
Youngstown -
Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor
Dramatic overview of the impact of the iron and steel industry
on Youngstown and other Mahoning Valley communities.
Century Farms Program
The Tennessee Century Farms Program was created in 1975 by the
Tennessee Department of Agriculture as part of our nation’s
bicentennial celebration. In 1985, the Center for Historic
Preservation at Middle Tennessee State University assumed the
responsibility for the program. The program was originally
designed and continues to be a recognition and documentary
effort. First, it honors and recognizes the dedication and
contributions of families who have owned and farmed the same
land for at least 100 years. After 30 years, the statewide and
ongoing program has 1,310 certified farms. Of that number 132
are 200 years old, 591 are 150 years old, and 587 are over 100
years old. Second, it is a documentary program that collects and
interprets the agrarian history and culture of the state.
Tennessee Iron Furnace Trail
The purpose of the project is to research, identify, and
document existing 19th century iron industry resources along the
Western Highland Rim, and to assist the counties within the
Trail to tell the stories of these places. This website is
designed to introduce some of the most intact and significant
existing iron industry sites along the Trail and to provide
individual histories as well as context. A Glossary and a list
of Selected Sources are provided for those readers who wish to
have more information on the technology associated with the
production of iron.
Texas Energy Museum
of the Texas oil industry as historical characters share their
adventures of the great Spindletop Gusher of 1901. Interactive
exhibits depict the unique history oil exploration, production
and refining; world of petroleum science from the formation of
oil to the geology surrounding it. Talking robotic characters
relate the story of early oil well drilling.
Virginia -
The Reynolds Business History
Center at the Virginia Historical Society
2001 - Virginia Historical Society, with generous funding from
the Richard S. Reynolds Foundation and Alcoa, created the
Reynolds Business History Center; two-fold mission: 1)
collecting - to acquire company records from important and
representative businesses from around the commonwealth (paper
records, oral history tapes and transcripts, artifacts, and
electronic communication); currently include more than one
hundred collections, including such significant Virginia
companies as Branch and Company, Best Products, James River
Corporation, Lane Furniture, Reynolds Metals, and A. H. Robins
Pharmaceuticals; 2) programming - seeks to create programs for a
number of constituencies: scholars, businesspeople, students,
and the general public (exhibitions, scholarly symposia on
business history topics, seminars in which business leaders
reflect on their careers, oral history initiatives to target
specific industries or areas, and travel opportunities to visit
significant sites associated with Virginia's business history).
Washington -
Seattle Museum of History &
February 15, 1952 - The Museum of History & Industry opened, has
grown to become the largest private heritage organization in the
State of Washington, attracting more than 60,000 visitors
annually from the Northwest and beyond. MOHAI collects,
preserves and presents the rich history of the Pacific
Northwest. Its engaging exhibits and programs have created an
appreciation for the Northwest's diverse cultural, social and
economic history.
Wisconsin Historical Images
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