November 21, 1620
- First English written contract in North America, executed
aboard the Mayflower off Cape Cod, MA; 41 men signed Mayflower
Compact: " In ye name of God, Amen. We whose names are
underwriten, the loyall subjects of our dread soveraigne Lord
King James by ye grace of God, of Great Britaine, Franc, &
Ireland king, defender of ye faith, &c...."
First English written
contract (http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/contractsprof_blog/images/mayflower_compact.jpg)
October 4, 1636
- The General Court of the Plymouth Colony instituted legal
code, first composed in North America.
July 21, 1733
- Harvard College granted first honorary Doctor of Law degree in
U. S. to John Winthrop.
- John Wells, orphan from Otsego County, New York, started law
practice in lower Manhattan; 1818 - established
one of first law partnerships with George Washington Strong;
focused on commercial claims, litigation, maritime law, real
estate, wills; 1878 - Charles Strong headed firm;
John L. Cadwalader, former Assistant Secretary of State, joined;
catapulted Strong & Cadwalader into ranks of elite firms
representing major corporations; 1883 - George W.
Wickersham, antitrust expert, joined Firm (serve as U.S.
Attorney General under President Taft in 1909); 1889
- Henry W. Taft joined; renowned for corporate antitrust defense
work, railroad expertise (appointed Special Assistant to U.S.
Attorney for Southern District of New York in 1905); 1914
- name changed to Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft; 1942
- Catherine Noyes Lee made partner, first woman partner of major
Wall Street firm.
Charles Strong,
John L. Cadwalader, George W. Wickersham, Henry W. Taft
- Cadwalader, Wickersham &
- Thomas Addis Emmet began law practice in New York City;
represented Robert Fulton, John Jacob Astor; handled 45 appeals
before New York State Supreme Court; Attorney General of State
of new York during War of 1812; 1920 - Langdon P.
Martin and Franklin D. Roosevelt joined firm (FDR left in 1924
after contracting polio); 1921 - George Whitney
Martin joined firm, name changed to Emmet, Marvin & Martin.
Thomas Addis Emmet
(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/ thumb/6/63/ThomasAddisEmmet.jpg/200px-ThomasAddisEmmet.jpg)
- Asa Rice began law business in Buffalo, NY, fledgling village
on western frontier of nation; 1825
- led citizens' committee which brought western terminus of Erie
Canal to Buffalo; December 11, 1945
- law firm of Hodgson, Russ, Andrews, Woods and Goodyear formed;
January 1, 2001 -
name shortened to Hodgson Russ LLP; Buffalo’s largest, oldest
law firm.
- Orsamus H. Marshall opened law practice in
Buffalo, NY; changed to Marshall & Harvey;
1862 - Lyman K. Bass
joined firm, renamed Harvey & Bass;
1872 - Wilson S. Bissell
joined firm, renamed Bass & Bissell;
1874 - Grover Cleveland
joined, renamed Bass, Cleveland & Bissell (Cleveland left in
1881, became governor of New York);
1897 - Walter P. Cooke joined firm, renamed Bissell, Carey & Cooke;
1906 - Daniel J. Kenefick (former State Supreme Court Justice) joined practice,
created Kenefick, Cooke & Mitchell (James McCormick Mitchell);
1911 - Edward H. Letchworth (former Deputy Attorney General of
New York) joined Kenefick, Cooke, Mitchell & Bass;
1928 -
George F. Phillips joined firm;
1929 -
renamed Kenefick, Cooke, Mitchell, Bass & Letchworth;
1946 -
William E. Lytle joined firm;
1960 - renamed Phillips,
Mahoney, Lytle, Yorkey & Letchworth; 1970 - renamed Phillips, Lytle, Hitchcock, Blaine & Huber
(John F. Huber joined firm in 1967);
1978 -Jamestown, NY office (via merger);
1982 - Rochester, NY
office (via merger); opened office in New York City; 1994 - Fredonia, NY office
(via merger); 2003 - name changed to
Phillips Lytle LP; 2006 - Albany,
NY office via merger); 142-year relationship with Marine Midland Bank
(established 1850, now HSBC); farthest geographic reach of any
law firm in state of New York.
Orsamus H. Marshall
- Phillips Lytle LP
1836 - Hiram
Barney, William Mulligan founded Kelley Drye &Warren.
August 19, 1841
- First set of standard bankruptcy laws; before repealed a few
years later, 33,737 people invoked newfound right to voluntarily
declare for bankruptcy.
April 29, 1845
- Macon B. Allen, Robert Morris Jr., first blacks to open
law practice; May 3, 1855
- Allen became first African-American admitted to Bar in
- Francis N. Bangs started law practice; 1880 -
Francis L. Stetson, former New York City assistant corporation
counsel, joined as partner; developed J.P. Morgan & Company
account (1901 - helped Morgan create United States Steel
Corporation and Northern Securities Company, railroad trust;
reorganized United States Rubber Company, helped establish
International Harvester Company); 1894 - formed
firm of Stetson, Jennings & Russell; 1896-1914 -
no more than 7 partners; 1919 - first real
partnership created under Allen Wardwell (joined firm as clerk
after graduating from Harvard Law School in 1898); 1920
- Frank Polk joined firm; 1921 - John W. Davis,
ambassador to Great Britain from 1918-1921, joined; renamed
Davis Polk Wardwell Gardiner & Reed (George H. Gardiner, Lansing
P. Reed); 1954 - 26 partners, called Davis Polk
Wardwell Sunderland & Kiendl (Edwin Sunderland, Theodore
Kiendl); 1964 - 37 partners; renamed Davis Polk &
Wardwell; 1998 - gross revenues of $435 million;
1999 - profits per partner of $1.61 million.
April 3, 1849 -
Frederick Billings, arrived from Vermont on April 1, rented
small office on Brenham Place to practice land law; first lawyer
in San Francisco; first customer - John A. Sutter (gold
discovered on his property ion January 24); formed partnership
with Archibald Peachy, opened an office in City Hotel on Clay
St. (at Kearny); December 31, 1849 - Henry Wager
Halleck joined firm, renamed "Halleck, Peachy & Billings,
Attorneys & Solicitors"; handled more than 800 of California's
1,400 land claim cases; 1861 - firm dissolved.
October 15, 1852
- Richard Tobin admitted to practice before Supreme Court of
California; 1875 - Robert (oldest son) joined firm
as partner; 1919 - Cyril R. Tobin (grandson) took
over; California's oldest law firm.
- Frederick H. Winston established law practice in Chicago with
Norman Judd (nominated Abraham Lincoln for President in 1860 at
Republican national Convention in Chicago),
represented railroads; 1878 -
Frederick S. Winston (son) joined firm; 1892 -
Silas H. Strawn joined firm; 1951 - name changed to Winston,
Strawn, Black & Towner; 1987 - organization
structure changed from operating committee to executive
- Frederic Rene Coudert founded Coudert Brothers in New York;
later joined by two brothers, Charles (junior) and Louis Leonce;
1879 - opened law office in Paris, believed to be
first international law practice.
- Fredrick Hampden Winston began law practice in Chicago;
1894 - Silas H. Strawn joined firm (managing partner for
40 years); 1953 -approximately 40 lawyers;
2003 - nearly 900 lawyers.
1865 - John
Codman Ropes, John Chipman Gray founded Ropes & Gray in
Boston, MA.
- Norman Williams, John Leverett Thompson formed law
partnership, Williams & Thompson, in Chicago, IL;
1892 - William
Pratt Sidley joined firm; 1900
- renamed Holt, Wheeler & Sidley;
1913 - name changed to Holt, Cutting & Sidley;
1914 - Edwin C.
Austin joined firm; Pullman, Western Electric, Illinois Steel as
clients; 1916 -
nine lawyers; 1920s
- name changed to Cutting, Moore & Sidley;
1941 - known as Sidley, McPherson,
Austin & Burgess (32 lawyers);
1950-1967 - named Sidley, Austin, Burgess &
Smith; 1967 - name
changed to Sidley & Austin (80 lawyers, half partners);
1972 - merged with
Chicago firm Leibman, Williams, Bennett, Baird & Minow; 150
lawyers; May 2001 -
merged with Brown & Wood (founded in 1914 in New York), renamed
Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP;
January 2006 - name changed to Sidley Austin
- Law firm of Anderson, Adams & Young established
in New York;
1920 - Harrison Tweed became member of
Murray, Prentice & Aldrich, predecessor of Milbank;
1929 - Morris
Hadley joined firm;
April 1929 - Murray & Aldrich combined with
Webb, Patterson & Hadley, became Murray, Aldrich & Webb;
1931 - merged with
Masten & Nichols, formed Milbank, Tweed, Hope & Webb; Albert G.
Milbank, former partner in Masten & Nichols, named senior
partner; 1946 -
John J. McCloy, former partner at Cravath, Swaine & Moore,
former Assistant Secretary of War from 1941-1945, joined firm;
1962 - renamed
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP.
February 14, 1870
- Esther Morris became world's first female justice of the
June 30, 1870
- Ada Kepley became first female law school graduate from Union
College of Law (Northwestern), 1869-1870.
1873 - Thomas
Shearman, John W. Sterling formed partnership.
1874 - Evans
Searle (E. S.) Pillsbury opened law office in San Francisco;
1875 - William E. Green became partner, renamed
Pillsbury & Green; 1879 - David Titus replaced
Green as partner, renamed Pillsbury & Titus; 1883
- Pillsbury resigned partnership, formed Wallace, Pillsbury &
Blanding; 1895 - Alfred Sutro, Frank D. Madison
joined firm; 1898 - Horace D. Pillsbury (son),
joined; renamed E.S. Pillsbury and Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro;
1904 - Alfred Sutro made partner; 1905
- renamed Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro; 1998 -
elected Mary Cranston as new chair of managing board, first
woman to lead major law firm; 2001 - merged with
Winthrop Stimson Putnam and Roberts' created bi-coastal law firm
focused on capital markets, intellectual property, finance,
energy, litigation, real estate; 2005 - merged
with Washington, DC-based Shaw Pittman (founded 1954 by Bradley
Shaw, Steuart Pittman); name changed to Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw
August 21, 1878
- The American Bar Association founded in Saratoga, NY.
1879 - Algernon
Sydney Sullivan, William Nelson Cromwell founded Sullivan &
Cromwell; 1882 - involved in formation of Edison
General Electric Company; 1902 - involved in
formation of United States Steel Corporation.
February 15, 1879
- President Rutherford B. Hayes signed a bill allowing female
attorneys to argue cases before Supreme Court.
March 3, 1879
- Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood became first woman admitted to
practice before U.S. Supreme Court.
1881 - Alexander
F. Morrison became associated with San Francisco firm of Cope &
Boyd; 1883 - with colleague Thomas V. O'Brien
formed firm of O'Brien & Morrison; 1890 -
Constantine E.A. Foerster, William R. Daingerfield became
associated with firm, name changed to O'Brien, Morrison, &
Daingerfield; 1892 - Morrison and Foerster
dissolved firm, commenced practice of law under name of Morrison
& Foerster; 1975 - name made permanent after 14
- Robert M.
Fitzgerald opened Oakland legal practice in two-room office on
Broadway in downtown Oakland, CA; 1895 - Carl H. Abbott became junior
partner; 1900 - formed partnership with Donald Y.
Campbell, E.S. Fowler; moved practice to San Francisco;
1906 - earthquake, fire precipitated Fitzgerald and
Abbott's return to Oakland; 1908 - Charles A.
Beardsley became associate; 1913 - made
partner; name changed to Fitzgerald Abbott & Beardsley; oldest
law firm in continuous existence in East Bay area, one of oldest
firms in California.
Carl H. Abbott -
Fitzgerald Abbott & Beardsley (http://www.fablaw.com/fabcelebrates125/images/1891.jpg)
- John R.
Jarboe, former general counsel for German Savings and Loan
Society (later part of First Interstate Bank of California)
founded Jarboe, Harrison & Goodfellow; 1891 -
partnership dissolved; 1901 - W. S. Goodfellow
formed new partnership with Charles Eells, Goodfellow & Eells;
1910 - William H. Orrick joined firm; 1914
- Stanley Moore joined, name changed to Goodfellow, Eells, Moore
& Orrick; 1927 - Ralph Palmer, Tom Dahlquist,
George Herrington, Mitchell Neff became partners; 1932
- Eric Sutcliffe joined firm; 1947 - became
managing partner; 1980 - name changed to Orrick,
Herrington and Sutcliffe.
William H.
Orrick - Orrick, Herrington
and Sutcliffe (http://www.orrick.com/img/about-hist-WHO.gif)
January 2, 1885
- Jackson A. Graves (32), Henry W. O'Melveny (26) entered into
written agreement; established law firm of Graves & O'Melveny;
later named O'Melveny &Myers in Los Angeles.
1890 - John D.
Bicknell, Walter Trask formed law firm; 1897
- Judge James Gibson joined firm; became Gibson, Dunn &
- Emanuel S. Heller opened law practice at 124 Sansome Street,
Room 30 in San Francisco; 1896 - partnership
of Heller & Powers formed; 1905 - Sidney Ehrman
entered partnership, renamed
Heller, Powers & Ehrman; 1921 - Jerome White and
Florence McAuliffe joined partnership, renamed Heller, Ehrman,
White & McAuliffe; 1929 - McAuliffe negotiated
financing for construction of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay
Bridge; 1937 - White served as Golden Gate Bridge
District's General Counsel, arranged for the bonds to carry
project; 1969 - took on Parisi v. Davidson case
pro bono, successfully argued in U.S. Supreme Court, defined
rights of conscientious objectors during Vietnam War; 2003
- The American Lawyer recognized firm as one of Top 20 "A-List"
law firms in the U.S.
- George Wharton Pepper joined law practice of Bayard Henry
on Walnut Street in Philadelphia; 1922 - Pepper
appointed to United States Senate to fill unexpired term of
Senator Boies Penrose; 1954 - merged with Evans,
Bayard & Frick, renamed Pepper, Bodine, Frick, Scheetz
&Hamilton; 1960 - merged with Moffett, Frye
&Leopold (first female partner, Roberta P. McKinney); 1992
- Barbara W. Mather elected firm’s first executive
partner; among first women to become chief executive of major
law firm in United States.
1893 - Amos Burt (A.B.) Thompson
admitted to Ohio Bar, established commercial law practice in
downtown Cleveland; went into partnership with Charles P. Hine;
1911 - Walter L.
Flory joined firm, name changed to Thompson, Hine and Flory;
2001 - name changed
to Thompson Hine; 2011
- nearly 400 lawyers.
Amos Burt (A.B.) Thompson
- Thompson Hine
March 1, 1893
- Judge Edwin J. Blandin, William Lowe Rice founded Blandin &
Rice law firm in Cleveland, OH;
1900 - Frank Ginn joined firm; name changed to
Blandin, Rice & Ginn; 1911
- Thomas H. Jones joined firm; 1912
- Thomas H. Hogsett joined firm; renamed Blandin, Hogsett & Ginn;
1913 - Sheldon H.
Tolles, John E. Morley joined partnership; renamed Tolles,
Hogsett, Ginn & Morley; 1927
- renamed Tolles, Hogsett & Ginn; John Reavis as head of tax
department; January 1, 1939
- merged with Day, Young, Veach & LeFever (Luther Day,
Cleveland); renamed Jones, Day, Cockley & Reavis;
1946 - opened first
office outside of Ohio in Washington, DC (3 lawyers);
1957 - Richard
Pogue joined firm; 1974
- renamed Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue (managing partner
May 1, 1894
- Stephen Ostrom Edwards formed law partnership with Walter F.
Angell in Providence, RI; 2005
- merged with Palmer & Dodge LLP; renamed Edwards Angell Palmer
& Dodge; 2008 - merged with London-based Kendall
Freeman (40-attorney firm with specialties in dispute
resolution, litigation, contentious and regulatory insurance,
reinsurance; more than 550 attorneys in 13 offices;
October 1, 2011 -
merged with Chicag0-based Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon;
renamed Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP (14-office,
650-lawyer firm).
Stephen O. Edwards - Edwards & Angell
- Edwin T. Cooper founded law firm in San Francisco at the
Crocker Building at Post, Montgomery and Market Streets;
represented contractors, manufacturers, maritime interests;
1920s - formed
partnership with Charles T. White; renamed Cooper & White;
1930 - Sheldon G.
Cooper (son) joined firm; 1933
- renamed Cooper, White & Cooper; 1950s - firm's range of
services expanded to longstanding clients (Metropolitan
Stevedore Company, Continental Air Lines, The Chronicle
Publishing Company, San Francisco Newspaper Agency, Roseville
Telephone Company); 1996
- 60 attorneys; spectrum of clients in telecommunications,
publishing, television, aviation, healthcare, high technology,
commercial finance, marine transportation, real estate,
construction, homebuilding, manufacturing, sales, services,
hospitality, nonprofit organizations, tourism.
- Cornick, Wright & Frantz was formed with offices in downtown
Knoxville, TN; by 1912
- added Charles M. Seymour, Thomas G. McConnell, Robert M.
McConnell; 1920 -
name changed to Frantz, McConnell & Seymour, LLP; never have had
more than 20 attorneys.
September, 1904
- Frank Hogan started law firm in Washington, DC; 1925
- Nelson T. Hartson, former solicitor of internal revenue,
joined firm; renamed Hogan & Hartson.
- Frank Rockwell, former Summit County (OH) prosecuting
attorney, Charles T. Grant, his assistant, established law
partnership of Rockwell & Grant; 1921 - Lisle M.
Buckingham, Judge C.R. Grant, Joseph Thomas formed law
partner-ship of Grant, Thomas & Buckingham; 1929 -
Buckingham's firm merged; renamed Rockwell, Grant, Thomas &
Buckingham; January 1934 - Gillum H. Doolittle,
attorney for twenty-five years, recruited to into partnership to
replace Grant; 1943 - Thomas became Firestone’s
general counsel; Edmund Burroughs joined firm, name changed to
Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs; 1977 - firm
incorporated, name changed to Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs,
A Legal Professional Association; June 1996 -
became partnership again, renamed Buckingham, Doolittle &
Burroughs, LLP.
July 1, 1918
Richard Hale, Dudley Dorr founded Hale & Dorr.
January 1, 1919 -
Edward B. Burling (Chicago lawyer), J. Harry Covington (former
Maryland Congressman and Judge) founded Covington & Burling
in Washington, DC; 1930s
- renamed Covington, Burling, Rublee, Acheson & Shorb (George
Rublee, former Brandeis clerk named Dean Acheson; shortened to
Covington & Burling few years later);
1960 - 100 lawyers;
1974-1975 - Virginia Watkin, Wes
Williams named firm's first woman, African American partners;
1980 - 200 lawyers;
1999 - merged with
Howard, Smith & Levin (60 lawyers);
2011 - more than 800 lawyers in 8
1919 - R. C.
Fulbright (railway regulation expert), J. H. Crooker (litigator
and former district attorney) founded law firm in Union National
Bank Building in Houston, TX; 1924
- John Freeman joined firm, renamed Fulbright, Crooker &
Freeeman; 1927 -
opened Washington office; 1931
- Leon Jaworski joined firm; 1944 - Jaworski assigned to war
crimes branch of Judge Advocates General Corps (responsible for
investigating German crimes in American zone);
1945 - merged with
Gresham, McCorqudale, Martin & Buck (expanded oil and gas
practice); 1952 -
named Jaworski managing partner (succeeded Crooker);
1973 - Jaworski
succeeded Archibald Cox as Watergate Special Prosecutor;
1974 - Jaworski
rejoined firm, renamed Fulbright &
Jaworski; 1989 -
merged with Reavis & McGrath; 2009
- one of largest international law firms in U.S.
January 29, 1926
- Violette Neatley Anderson became first African-American woman
admitted to practice before U.S. Supreme Court.
July 26, 1926
- National Bar
Association incorporated.
January 1934 -
Dana Latham, Paul R. Watkins (former general counsel for Pacific
Finance Corporation) established law practice in Los
Angeles, CA; 1972 - opened first office outside
LA, in Orange County, CA; 1983 - 237 attorneys;
July 1999 - nation's fourth-largest law firm, gross
revenues of $502 million, seventeenth in revenues per lawyer
($605,000); 2007 - more than 2,100 attorneys
in 24 offices around world; generated gross revenue over $2
billion, highest figure ever reported for U. S.-based law firm;
profit per partner of $2.37. million ($1.86 million in 2006).
July 22, 1939
- Fiorello LaGuardia, Mayor of New York City, appointed Jane
Matilda Bolin (31) first black woman judge; justice of the
Domestic Relations Court (renamed the Family Court in 1962),
served with distinction for 40 years.
- Robert S. Strauss, Richard A. Gump left FBI, opened Gump &
Strauss law firm in Dallas, TX; 1950 - Irving L.
Goldberg and William joined firm, name changed to Goldberg,
Fonville, Gump, Strauss & Hauer; 1966 - Henry D.
Akin joined firm, Irving L. Goldberg resigned after being
appointed to U.S. Court of Appeals for Fifth Circuit; name of
20-lawyer firm changed to Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld.
1948 - Marshall
Skadden, John Slate, Les Arps opened law firm; 1961
- name changed to Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.
January 12, 1948
- The Supreme Court ruled that states could not discriminate
against law-school applicants because of race.
August 30, 1961
- J B Parsons first African American judge of a U.S. District
May 2004
- Hale
and Dorr LLP merged with Washington firm of Wilmer Cutler
Pickering LLP.
May, 2005
152-year-old Coudert Brothers (first American law firm to open
offices in London, Singapore, Moscow) announced it intended to
break apart; result of unfocused growth, unprofitable overseas
expansion, loss of partners to other firms.
2007 - Latham &
Watkins generated gross revenue over $2 billion, highest figure
ever reported for U. S.-based law firm; profit per partner of
$2.37. million ($1.86 million in 2006).
June 22, 2008 -
Decades-old conflict over rules governing civil lawsuits;
2005 - federal legislation made it harder to file
class-action lawsuits in state courts (judges, juries perceived
as hostile to business); 2007 - number of
megaverdicts (more than $100 million) dropped to 2 from 27
in 2000.
(Allen Allen & Hemsley), Valeries Lawson
The Allens Affair: How One Man Shook the Foundations of a
Leading Australian Law Firm. (Sydney, AU: Macmillan, 291
p.). Powles, Adrian; Allen Allen & Hemsley; Law firms--New South
Wales--Sydney; Embezzlement--New South Wales--Sydney.
(Arnold Fortas & Porter), Norman Diamond
A Practice Almost Perfect: The Early Days at Arnold, Fortas &
Porter. (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 336
p.). Arnold, Fortas & Porter--History; Law firms--Washington
(Baker & Botts), Kenneth Lipartito and Joseph
Pratt (1991).
Baker & Botts in the Development of Modern Houston.
(Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 255 p.). Baker & Botts--History;
Law firms--Texas--Houston--History; Houston (Tex.)--History.
(Birmingham Bar Association), Pat Boyd Rumore
Lawyers in a New South City: A History of the Legal Profession
in Birmingham. (Birmingham, AL: Association Pub. Co.,
312 p.). Birmingham Bar Association--History; Practice of
Lawyers--Alabama--Birmingham--History; Law
(Boodle Hatfield and Co.), Victor Belcher
(1985). Boodle, Hatfield and Co.: The History of a London Law
Firm in Three Centuries. (London, UK: Boodle, Hatfield, and
Co, 175 p.). Boodle, Hatfield and Co.--History;
Lawyers--England--London--Biography; Law
(Bose McKinney & Evans), Bill Beck and Jill
Brooks (2006). Bose
McKinney & Evans LLP, Attorneys at Law: The First 50 Years. (Bloomington,
IN AuthorHouse, 165 p.). Bose McKinney & Evans --History; Law
firms --Indiana --Indianapolis --History; Lawyers --Indiana
--Indianapolis --Biography.
(Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLP), Ruth
Dean ((2003). The Value of Integrity: A Memoir Celebrating
the 90th Anniversary of Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLP.
(Akron, OH: Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLP, 81 p.).
Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLP.
(Carter, Ledyard & Milburn), Francis M. Ellis
and Edward F. Clark, Jr. (1988).
A Brief History of Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, from 1854 to 1988:
Including Some Whimsical Tales about the Firm and Its People.
(Portsmouth, NH: P.E. Randall, 195 p.). Carter, Ledyard &
Milburn--History; Law firms--New York (State)--New
York--History; Lawyers--New York (State)--New York--Biography.
(Coudert Brothers), Sol M. Linowitz (1985).
The Making of a Public Man: A Memoir. (Boston, MA:
Little, Brown, 258 p.). Partner, Senior Counsel (Coudert
Brothers), 1969-1994. Linowitz, Sol M., 1913-; Lawyers--United
States--Biography; Statesmen--United States--Biography.
(Coudert Brothers), Sol M. Linowitz with
Martin Mayer (1994).
The Betrayed Profession: Lawyering at the End of the Twentieth
Century. (New York, NY: Scribner, 273 p.). Partner,
Senior Counsel (Coudert Brothers), 1969-1994. Lawyers--United
States; Legal ethics--United States; Practice of law--Corrupt
practices--United States.
(Coudert Brothers), Virginia Kays Veenswijk
Coudert Brothers: A Legacy in Law: The History of America's
First International Law Firm, 1853-1993. (New York, NY:
Dutton, 448 p.). Coudert Brothers--History; Law firms--New York
(State)--New York--History; Lawyers--New York (State)--New
(Covington & Burling), Howard C. Westwood
(1986). Covington & Burling, 1919-1984. (Washington, DC:
Covington & Burling, 403 p.). Covington & Burling--History; Law
firms--Washington (D.C.)--History; Lawyers--Washington
(D.C.)--Biography; Practice of law--Washington (D.C.)--History.
Edward B.
(Craig & Craig), Jack E. Horsley (1991).
History of Craig & Craig, Attorneys. (Mattoon, IL: Craig
& Craig, 232 p.). Craig & Craig--History; Law
(Cravath Swaine and Moore - result of 1853
merger), Robert T. Swaine (1946-1948).
The Cravath Firm and Its Predecessors, 1819-1947. (New
York, NY: Privately Printed at Ad Press, 3 vols.). Cravath,
Swaine and Moore, lawyers, New York.
(Davis. Polk & Wardell), William H. Harbaugh
Lawyer’s Lawyer: The Life of John W. Davis. (New York,
NY: Oxford University Press, 648 p.). Professor of History
(University of Virginia). Davis, John W. (John William),
(Debevoise & Plimpton founded 1931), D. Bret
Carlson (1991).
Debevoise & Plimpton: The Autobiography of a Law Firm.
(New York, NY: Debevoise & Plimpton, 273 p.). Retired Partner.
Debevoise & Plimpton--History; Law firms--New York (State)--New
York--History; Lawyers--New York (State)--New York--Biography.
(Dickie McCamey & Chilcote), J. Lawrence
McBride (1995). History of Dickie, Mccamey & Chilcote, P.C.:
A Pittsburgh Law Firm with a Tradition of Service for over a
Century, 1889-1993 (Pittsburgh, PA: Dickie, McCamey &
Chilcote, 288 p.). Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote--History; Law
(Edwards & Angell), Edward
Winsor (1978).
Edwards & Angell: A Firm History
(Providence, RI: E. Winsor). Edwards & Angell; Law
partnership--Rhode Island--Providence; Lawyers--Rhode
(Fairbridge Arderne & Lawton), R.M. MacSymon
(1990). Fairbridge Arderne & Lawton: A History of a Cape Law
Firm. (Kenwyn, South Africa: Juta, 262 p.). Fairbridge
Arderne & Lawton--History; Law firms--South Africa--Cape
Town--History; Lawyers--South Africa--Cape Town--Biography.
(Finley Kumble), Kim Issac Eisler (1990).
Shark Tank: Greed, Politics, and the Collapse of Finley Kumble,
One of America's Largest Law Firms. (New York, NY: St.
Martin's Press, 236 p.). Kumble, Steven J., 1933- ; Finley,
Kumble--History; Lawyers--New York (State)--New York--Biography;
Law partnership--New York (State)--New York--History.
Steven J.
(Finley Kumble), Steven J. Kumble and Kevin J.
Lahart (1990).
Conduct Unbecoming: The Rise and Ruin of Finley, Kumble.
(New York, NY: Carroll & Graf, 312 p.). Finley, Kumble--History;
Law firms--United States--History;
(Foley & Lardner), Ellen D. Langill (1992).
Foley & Lardner, Attorneys at Law, 1842-1992. (Madison, WI:
State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 245 p.). Foley &
Lardner--History; Law firms--Wisconsin--History;
(Fulbright & Jaworsk), John H. Crooker, Jr.
and Gibson Gayle, Jr. ; foreword by Thomas M. Reavley (1994).
Fulbright & Jaworski: 75 Years, 1919-1994. (Houston, TX:
Fulbright & Jaworski, 202 p.). Fulbright & Jaworski--History;
Law firms--Texas--Houston--History.
(Gardner Carton & Douglas), ed Tom Arthur
(1994). Since 1910: Chronicles of Gardner, Carton & Douglas.
(Chicago, IL: T. Arthur, 197 p.). Gardner, Carton &
Douglas--History; Law firms--Illinois--Chicago--History;
(Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher), Jane Wilson (1990).
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Lawyers: An Early History. (Los
Angeles, CA: Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, 551 p.). Gibson, Dunn &
Crutcher--History; Law firms--California--History;
Lawyers--California--Biography; California, Southern--History.
(Hale & Dorr - 1918), John A. Dolan (1993).
Hale and Dorr, Backgrounds & Styles. (Boston, MA: Hale
and Dorr, 319 p.). Hale and Dorr--History;
Lawyers--Massachusetts--Boston--Biography; Law
firms--Massachusetts--Boston--History; 2004
- merged with Wilmer Cutler Pickeriing LLP (established 1946).
(Hansell & Post), Harvey H Jackson (1989).
Hansell & Post: From King & Anderson to Jones, Day, Reavis, &
Pogue, 1880-1990. (Atlanta, GA: Hansell & Post, 289 p.).
Hansell & Post; Law; Mergers-Law firms.
(Hogan & Hartson - founded in September, 1904,
in Washington, D.C., by Frank Hogan;
Nelson T. Hartson, former solicitor of internal revenue,
joined the firm in 1925), Lester Cohen (1985).
Frank Hogan Remembered: Reminiscences. (Washington, DC:
Hogan & Hartson, 149 p.). Hogan, Francis Joseph, 1877-1944;
Hogan & Hartson--History; Lawyers--Washington (D.C.)--Biography;
Law partnership--Washington (D.C.)--History.
(Hogan & Hartson), Adrian Kinnane (2004).
The Heart of It All: A History of Hogan & Hartson L L.P.
(Rockville, MD: Montrose Press, 194 p.). Researcher and Manager
for Historical Projects (History Associates). Hogan, Francis
Joseph, 1877-1944; Hogan & Hartson--History; Lawyers--Washington
(D.C.)--Biography; Law partnership--Washington (D.C.)--History.
(Howe and Hummel), Richard H. Rovere ;
illustrated by Reginald Marsh ; with an introduction by Calvin
Trillin (1996).
Howe & Hummel, Their True and Scandalous History.
(Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 169 p. [orig. pub.
1947]). Howe, William F., 1828-1902; Hummel, Abraham H.,
1849-1926; Lawyers--New York (State)--New York--Biography; Law
partnership--New York (State)--New York--History.
(Hunton & Williams), Anne H. Freeman (1989).
The Style of a Law Firm: Eight Gentlemen from Virginia.
(Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books, 290 p.). Hunton &
Williams--History; Law firms--Virginia--Richmond--History;
(Jones Day),
Albert Borowitz (1993).
Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue: The First Century.
(Cleveland, OH: Jones, Day, Reavis and Pogue, 423 p.). Jones,
Day, Reavis & Pogue--History; Law
(Kane County Bar Association), Bill Beck
(2008). The
Kane County Bar Association: 1858-2008. (Virginia
Beach, VA Donning Co., 192 p.). Corporate historian. Kane County
Bar Association (Kane County, Ill.) --History; Bar associations
--Illinois --Kane County --History; Lawyers --Illinois --Kane
County --Biography.
(Kelley Drye & Warren), Robert M. Lunny
Kelley, Drye & Warren: An Informal History, 1836-1984.
(New York, NY: Kelly, Drye & Warren, 246 p.). Kelley, Drye &
Warren--History; Law partnership--New York (State)--New
York--History; Lawyers--New York (State)--New York--Biography.
Barney - Kelley Drye
(King & Spaulding), Della Wager Wells (1985).
The First Hundred Years: A Centennial History of King & Spalding.
(Atlanta, GA: King & Spaulding, 334 p.). King, Alexander
Campbell, b. 1856; Spalding, Jack Johnson, 1856-1938; King &
Spalding--History; Lawyers--Georgia--Atlanta--Biography.
(Latham & Watkins), Austin H. Peck, Jr.
Bold Beginnings: A Story About the First 50 Ears of Latham &
Watkins. (Los Angeles, CA: Latham & Watkins, 539 p.).
Latham & Watkins--History; Law partnership--California--Los
Angeles--History; Lawyers--California--Los Angeles--Biography.
(Linklaters & Paines), Judy Slinn (1987).
Linklaters & Paines: The First One Hundred and Fifty Years.
(London, UK: Longman, 260 p.). Linklaters & Paines (Firm);
London Solicitors.
(Milbank, Tweed), Ellen Joan
Pollock (1990).
Turks and Brahmins: Upheaval at Milbank, Tweed: Wall Street's
Gentlemen Take Off Their Gloves. (New York, NY: Simon &
Schuster, 284 p.). Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy--History; Law
partnership--New York (State)--New York--History; Lawyers--New
York (State)--New York--Biography.
Albert G. Millbank - Millbank, Tweed
Harrison Tweed - Millbank Tweed
Morris Hadley -
Millbank, Tweed
J. McCloy - Millbank, Tweed
(Milbank Tweed), Milton C. Regan, Jr. (2004).
Eat What You Kill: The Fall of a Wall Street Lawyer.
(Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 402 p.). Professor
of Law (Georgetown University Law Center). Gellene,
John--Trials, litigation, etc.; Bucyrus-Erie Company--Trials,
litigation, etc.; Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy--Trials,
litigation, etc.; Trials (Perjury)--Wisconsin--Milwaukee;
Bankruptcy lawyers--United States; Bankruptcy--United States;
Legal ethics--United States. Conflicting interests.
(Milberg Weiss.),
Patrick Dillon and Carl M. Cannon (2010). Circle
of Greed: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of the Lawyer Who
Brought Corporate America to Its Knees.
(New York, NY, Broadway Books, 532 p.). Executive Editor of
California magazine; Deputy Editor of
politicsdaily.com. Lerach, William S.; Lawyers -- United
States -- Biography. Rise and fall of Bill Lerach, once leading
class action lawyer in America, now convicted felon; threatened,
shook down, sued top Fortune 500 companies for two decades; fell prey to same corrupt
impulses of his enemies, convicted, in federal
prison; man and his times, corporate arrogance and illusions,
scorched-earth tactics to counteract corporate America, beat it
at its own game.
(Morgan Lewis & Bockius), Paul B. Dilks, Jr.
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius: A Law Firm and Its Times, 1873-1993.
(Philadelphia, PA: Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, 455 p.). Morgan,
Lewis & Bockius--History; Law
(Morrison & Foerster), John P. Austin;
Introduction by Marshall Small (1990).
Growth of Morrison & Foerster from 1940s to 1980s: A Perspective.
(Berkeley, CA: Regional Oral History Office University of
California, The Bancroft Library).
(O'Melveny & Myers), William W. Clary (1966).
History of the Law Firm of O'Melveny & Myers, 1885-1965.
(Los Angeles, CA, 917 p.). O'Melveny & Myers; Lawyers--Los
Angeles; Los Angeles (Calif.)--History.
(O'Melveny & Myers), Everett B Clary (2001).
History of the Law Firm of O'Melveny & Myers LLP, 1965-1990
and Beyond. (Los Angeles, CA: Privately Printed, 1634 p.).
O'Melveny & Myers; Los Angeles (Calif.).
(Osler Hoskin & Harcourt), Curtis Cole (1995).
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt: Portrait of a Partnership.
(Toronto, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd., 367 p.). Osler, Hoskin &
Harcourt (Firm)--History; Law
(Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison -
roots to 1875, in modern form since 1946), Arthur L. Liman; with
the assistance of Peter Israel (1998).
Lawyer: A Life of Counsel and Controversy. (New York,
NY: Public Affairs, 386 p.). Partner (Paul, Weiss, Rifkind).
Liman, Arthur L.; Lawyers--United States--Biography.
(Pennie and Edmonds LLP), Ed. Charles E.
Miller (2000).
Random Reminiscences of Sixty Years of Law Practice: The Memoir
of Dean Stockett Edmonds. (Danbury, CT: Rutledge Books,
Inc., 160 p.). Edmonds, Dean Stockett; Pennie and Edmonds LLP;
patent law.
(Ropes & Gray), Albert Boyden (1942). Ropes-Gray,
1865-1940. (Boston, MA: Lincoln & Smith Press, 215 p.).
Ropes, John Codman, 1836-1899; Gray, John Chipman, 1839-1915;
Ropes, Gray, Best, Coolidge, and Rugg (Boston, Mass.);
Lawyers--Massachusetts--Boston; Law
firms--Massachusetts--Boston;. Privately printed.
John Codman
Ropes - Ropes & Gray
John Chipman
Gray - Ropes & Gray
(Ropes & Gray), Carl M. Brauer (1991).
Ropes & Gray, 1865-1990. (Boston, MA: Ropes & Gray, 193
p.). Ropes & Gray--History;
Lawyers--Massachusetts--Boston--Biography; Law
(Shearman & Sterling), Walter K. Earle (1963).
Mr. Shearman and Mr. Sterling and How They Grew; Being Annals of
Their Law Firm, with Biographical an Historical Highlights.
(New York, NY, The Firm, 443 p.). Shearman & Sterling (New York,
John W.
Sterling - Shearman & Sterling
(Shearman & Sterling), Walter Earle and
Charles Parlin (1973)
Shearman and Sterling, 1873-1973. (New York, NY: The
Firm, 549 p. [2nd ed.]). Shearman & Sterling (New York, N.Y.);
Lawyers--New York (State)--New York.
(Shughart Thomson & Kilroy), The Firm (1990).
Shughart, Thomson & Kilroy: Fifty Years. (Kansas City,
MO: Shughart, Thomson & Kilroy, 143 p.). Shughart, Thomson &
Kilroy (Kansas City, Mo.)--History; Law firms--Missouri--Kansas
(Skadden - founded 1948), Lincoln Caplan
Skadden: Power, Money, and the Rise of a Legal Empire.
(New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 341 p.). Skadden, Arps,
Slate, Meagher & Flom--History; Law firms--New York (State)--New
York--History; Lawyers--New York (State)--New York--Biography.
(Slaughter and May), Laurie Dennett (1989).
Slaughter and May: A Short History. (Cambridge, UK:
Granta, 97 p.). Slaughter and May (Firm); London Solicitors
Slaughter and May (Firm), history.
(Sullivan & Cromwell), Nancy Lisagor and Frank
Lipsius (1988).
A Law Unto Itself: The Untold Story of the Law Firm of Sullivan
& Cromwell. (New York, NY: Morrow, 360 p.). Sullivan &
Cromwell--History; Lawyers--New York (State)--New
York--Biography; Law partnership--New York (State)--New
Algernon Sydney
(Vinson & Elkins), Nicholas George Malavis
Bless the Pure & Humble: Texas Lawyers and Oil Regulation,
1919-1936. (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University
Press, 322 p.). Vinson & Elkins--History; Petroleum law and
legislation--Texas--History. Public and private sector roles
of petroleum business; division between expanding major
integrated companies and smaller independents; legal,
philosophical battles over rules of capture, property rights,
government regulation; evolution of both state, federal
involvement in industry.
(Vinson & Elkins), Harold M. Hyman (1998).
Craftsmanship and Character: A History of the Vinson & Elkins
Law Firm of Houston, 1917-1997. (Athens, GA: University
of Georgia Pres, 658 p.). Vinson & Elkins--History; Law
(Wilde Sapte), A.G. Salmon (1985).
The History of Wilde Sapte 1785-1985 - with Some Account of the
Wilde Family. (London, UK: A.G. Salmon, 189 p.). Wilde
Sapte; Law firms-- Great Britain --History. 1785 - founded by Thomas Wilde.
(Wise Carter Child & Caraway), Sherwood
Willing Wise (1988). Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway: One
Mississippi Law Firm, 1883-1986. (Jackson, MI: Mannsdale
Books, 150 p.). Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway--History; Law
(Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice), Lynn P.
Roundtree (2001).
The Best Is Yet to Be: The First 125 Years of a Law Firm.
(Winston-Salem, NC: John F. Blair, xxx p.). Womble, Carlyle,
Sandridge & Rice--History; Law firms--North Carolina--History.
Richard L. Abel (1988).
The Legal Profession in England and Wales. (New York,
NY: Blackwell, 548 p.). Lawyers--Great Britain.
--- (1989).
American Lawyers. (New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 406 p.). Practice of law--United States; Lawyers--United
Constance E. Bagley (2005).
Winning Legally: How Managers Can Use the Law To Create Value,
Marshal Resources, and Manage Risk. (Boston, MA: Harvard
Business School Press, 282 p.). Associate Professor of Business
Administration (Harvard Business School). Business law--United
States; Executives--United States--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Law as a strategic tool to
select, work effectively with legal advisers, spot legal issues
before they become problems, weigh legal risks of specific
Lenard R. Berlanstein (1975).
The Barristers of Toulouse in the Eighteenth Century (1740-1793).
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 210 p.). Lawyers
-- France -- Toulouse; Toulouse (France) -- History.
Lindsay Blohm and Ashley Riveira (2006).
Presumed Equal: What America’s Top Women Lawyers Really Think
About Their Firms. (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 701 p.
[rev. 1998 ed.]). Women lawyers--United States; Sex
discrimination against women--Law and legislation--United
States; Job satisfaction--United States.
Leonard Garment (1997).
Crazy Rhythm: My Journey from Brooklyn, Jazz, and Wall Street to
Nixon's White House, Watergate, and Beyond--.
(New York, NY: Times Books, 418 p.). Former Attorney for
Richard Nixon. Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913- ;
Garment, Leonard; Watergate Affair, 1972-1974--Personal
narratives; United States--Politics and government--1969-1974.
Mary Ann Glendon (1994).
A Nation Under Lawyers: How the Crisis in the Legal Profession
Is Transforming American Society. (New York, NY: Farrar,
Straus & Giroux, 331 p.). Lawyers--United States; Practice of
law--United States.
Joseph C. Goulden (1972).
The Super-Lawyers; The Small and Powerful World of the Great
Washington Law Firms. (New York, NY: Weybright and
Talley, 408 p.). Law firms--Washington (D.C.); Practice of
law--Washington (D.C.).
--- (1978).
The Million Dollar Lawyers: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at
America's Big Money Lawyers and How They Operate. (New
York, NY: Putnam, 346 p.). Lawyers--United States; Practice of
law--United States.
--- (2005).
The Money Lawyers: The Go-for-Broke World of Today's Wealthiest
and Most Controversial Litigators. (New York, NY: Truman
Talley/St Martins Press, 464 p.). Lawyers--United
States--Biography; Practice of law--United States; Class actions
(Civil procedure)--United States. Exploration of lawyers and law
Mark J. Green (1978).
The Other Government: The Unseen Power of Washington Lawyers.
(New York, NY: Norton, 340 p. [rev. ed.]). Lawyers--District of
Columbia; Practice of law--District of Columbia.
Roy Grutman and Bill Thomas (1990).
Lawyers and Thieves: Legal Shenanigans, Courtroom Scandal and
the Endless Hunt for Money. (New York, NY: Simon &
Schuster, 224 p.). Law--United States--Anecdotes; Practice of
law--Corrupt practices--United States; Lawyers--United States.
C. Robert Haywood (1988).
Cowtown Lawyers: Dodge City and Is Attorneys, 1876-1886
(Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 289 p.).
Lawyers--Kansas--Dodge City--Biography; Justice, Administration
of--Kansas--Dodge City--History
Paul Hoffman (1973).
Lions in the Street; the inside Story of the Great Wall Street
Law Firms. (New York, NY: Saturday Review Press, 244
p.). Lawyers--New York (State)--New York; Law firms--New York
(State)--New York.
--- (1982).
Lions of the Eighties: The inside Story of the Powerhouse Law
Firms. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 370 p.).
Lawyers--New York (State)--New York; Law firms--New York
(State)--New York; Lawyers--United States.
Morton J. Horwitz (1992).
The Transformation of American Law, 1780-1860. (New
York, NY: Oxford University Press, 356 p. [orig. pub. 1977]).
Law--United States--History.
Peter W. Huber (1988).
Liability: The Legal Revolution and Its Consequences.
(New York, NY: Basic Books, 260 p.). Torts--United States;
Liability (Law)--United States.
eds. Peter W. Huber and Robert E. Litan
The Liability Maze: The Impact of Liability Law on Safety and
Innovation. (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 514
p.). Liability (Law)--Economic aspects--United States; Products
liability--Economic aspects--United States; Tort liability of
corporations--United States; New products--United States;
Product safety--United States; Technological innovations--United
James Willard Hurst (2001).
The Growth of American Law: The Law Makers. (Union, NJ:
Lawbook Exchange, 502 p. [orig. pub. 1950]). Law--United
Rand Jack and Dana Crowley Jack (1989).
Moral Vision and Professional Decisions: The Changing Values of
Women and Men Lawyers. (New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press, 218 p.). Legal ethics--United States; Practice
of law--United States; Women lawyers--United States; Law and
John A. Jenkins (1989).
The Litigators: Inside the Powerful World of America's
High-Stakes Trial Lawyers. (New York, NY: Doubleday, 462
p.). Lawyers--United States--Biography; Trials--United States.
David J. Langum (1999).
William M. Kunstler: The Most Hated Lawyer in America.
(New York, NY: New York University Press, 452 p.). Kunstler,
William Moses, 1919-; Lawyers--United States--Biography;
Radicals--United States--Biography.
Martin Mayer (1980).
The Lawyers. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,
586 p. (Reprint of 1967 ed.)). Lawyers--United States; Practice
of law--United States.
Stephen Mayson (1997).
Making Sense of Law Firms: Strategy, Structure, and Ownership.
(London, UK: Blackstone Press, 566 p.). Professor of Legal
Practice and the Director of the Centre for Law Firm Management
(Nottingham Law School). Law firms--Great Britain.
--- (2007).
Law Firm Strategy: Competitive Advantage and Valuation.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 350 p.). Former Tax
Lawyer, Legal Practice Consultant. Law offices--Great Britain;
Law offices--Great Britain--Valuation; Practice of law--Great
Britain. How to respond to
reforms introduced by Legal Services Bill; how to build,
preserve value in new environment; factors firms must address to
face known, new forms of competition, build sustainable
David Mellinkoff (1962).
The Language of the Law. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 520
p.). Lawyer (Beverly Hills), Professor (UCLA), Writer.
Law--Language; Law--Interpretation and construction.
Robert L. Nelson (1988). Partners with
Power: The Social Transformation of the Large Law Firm.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 376 p.). Law
partnership--United States; Law firms--United States; Practice
of law--United States.
Walter K. Olson (1991).
The Litigation Explosion: What Happened When America Unleashed
the Lawsuit. (New York, NY: Dutton, 388 p.). Justice,
Administration of--United States; Actions and defenses--United
States; Frivolous suits (Civil procedure)--United States; Legal
ethics--United States.
--- (1997).
The Excuse Factory: How Employment Law Is Paralyzing the
American Workplace. (New York, NY: Free Press, 378 p.).
Labor laws and legislation--United States; Discrimination in
employment--Law and legislation--United States; Industrial
relations--United States--Case studies; Labor
productivity--United States--Case studies.
Erwin O. Smigel (1964).
The Wall Street Lawyer: Professional Organization Man?
(New York, NY: Free Press of Glencoe, 369 p.). Lawyers -- United
States; Law offices -- United States.
Mark Stevens (1987).
Power of Attorney: The Rise of the Giant Law Firms. (New
York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 187 p.). Law partnership--United States;
Law firms--United States; Practice of law--United States.
James B. Stewart (1983).
The Partners: Inside America's Most Powerful Law Firms.
(New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 395 p.). Journalist (Wall
Street Journal). Law partnership--United States; Law
firms--United States; Practice of law--United States.
--- (1987).
The Prosecutors: Inside the Offices of the Government's Most
Powerful Lawyers. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 378
p.). Journalist (Wall Street Journal). Public
prosecutors--United States; Criminal justice, Administration
of--United States.
Cameron Stracher (1998).
Double Billing: A Young Lawyer's Tale of Greed, Sex, Lies, and
the Pursuit of a Swivel Chair. (New York, NY: Morrow,
228 p.). Corporate lawyers--New York (State)--New York; Practice
of law--New York (State)--New York.
Evan Thomas (1991).
The Man to See: Edward Bennett Williams: Ultimate Insider:
Legendary Trial Lawyer. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster,
587 p.). Williams, Edward Bennett; Lawyers--Washington
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By Mary L. Dudziak, Judge Edward J. and Ruey L. Guirado
Professor of Law, History and Political Science at the
University of Southern California Law School; 2008-09 -
Distinguished Visitor, University of Maryland School of Law, and
an Affiliated Scholar, Warren Center for American History,
Harvard University.