- World's first cast iron bridge built over River Severn at
Coalbrookdale, in rural East Shropshire, UK (coal deposits near
surface; annual production from Broseley and Benthall had been
around 100,000 tons per year in 1635, mainly for export, local
clay industries, lead); far reaching impact: on local society,
economy, bridge design, use of cast iron in building.
- Arnold Toynbee, English historian and social reformer,
published "Lectures on The Industrial Revolution in England"
(based on lectures titled "On the Economic History of England,
1760-1840" delivered to undergraduate students at Oxford
University between October 1881-May 1882); coined term
"industrial revolution" (in which capitalist competition
replaced guilds and regulation).
Robert C. Allen (2003).
Farm to Factory: A Reinterpretation of the Soviet Industrial
Revolution. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
302 p.). Professor of Economic History (Oxford University),
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Industrialization
--Soviet Union; Soviet Union --Economic policy; Soviet Union
--Economic conditions. USSR one of most successful developing
economies of 20th century; late 19th century - Russian economy began to develop;
1928-1970s - rapid growth; 1930s - building of heavy industry accelerated growth, raised living standards; sudden drop in fertility due to
education of women, their employment outside home facilitated
growth; achievements of Soviet planning emphasized; Stalin's
worst excesses did
little to spur growth; economic development stagnated after
1970, vital resources diverted to military, Soviet leadership
pursued wasteful investments.
--- (2009).
The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 352 p.). Professor of
Economic History (Oxford University), Fellow (Nuffield College).
Industrial revolution--Great Britain; Industrial
revolution--Great Britain--History--Sources.
Why Industrial
Revolution occurred in 18th-century Britain, not elsewhere in
Europe or Asia - successful response to global economy of 17th,
18th centuries; ways in which Britain was different from other
countries in Europe, Asia;
importance of globalisation in explaining divergence of East and
T. S. Ashton; with a new preface and
bibliography by Pat Hudson (1997).
The industrial Revolution, 1760-1830. (New York, NY:
Oxford University Press, 139 p. [orig. pub. 1948]). Industrial
revolution--Great Britain; Great Britain--Economic
Maxine Berg (1994).
The Age of Manufactures, 1700-1820: Industry, Innovation and
Work in Britain. (New York, NY: Routledge, 304 p. [2nd
ed.]). Manufacturing industries--Great Britain--History--18th
Ed. Lenard R. Berlanstein (1992).
The Industrial Revolution and Work in Nineteenth-Century Europe.
(New York, NY: Routledge. 176 p.). Industries -- Europe --
History -- 19th century; Europe -- Economic conditions -- 19th
century; Working class -- Europe -- History -- 19th century.century.
Asa Briggs (2000).
The Age of Improvement, 1783-1867. (New York, NY:
Longmans, Green & Company, 550 p.). Great
Britain--History--George III, 1760-1820; Great
Britain--History--19th century; England--Civilization--19th
Joyce Burnette (2008).
Gender, Work and Wages in Industrial Revolution Britain.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 384 p.). Daniel F.
Evans Associate Professor of Economics (Wabash College,
Indiana). Women employees--Great Britain--History--19th century;
Sex discrimination against women--Great Britain--History--19th
century; Industrial revolution--Great Britain.
Role of women in labor market of
Industrial Revolution Britain; gender differences in
occupations, wages largely driven by market forces; resulted
from actual differences in productivity.
Valerio Castronovo (1978). La Rivoluzione
Industriale. (Firenze, IT: Sansoni, 152 p.). Industrial
revolution--Great Britain; Industrial revolution--Great
Gregory Clark (2007).
A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 420 p.). Professor
of Economics (University of California, Davis). Economic
history. Culture, not exploitation,
geography, or resources, explains wealth, poverty of nations and
Industrial Revolution in England in 1800; stable political,
legal, economic institutions led to deep cultural changes,
encouraged people to abandon hunter-gatherer instincts
(violence, impatience, economy of effort), to adopt economic
habits (hard work, rationality, education).
James C. Cobb (1982).
The Selling of the South: The Southern Crusade for Industrial
Development, 1936-1980. (Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana
State University Press, 293 p.). Department of History
(University of Georgia). Industrial promotion--Southern
States; Southern States--Economic conditions--1918-.
--- (1984).
Industrialization and Southern Society, 1877-1984.
(Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 185 p.).
Department of History (University of Georgia). Industrialization--Southern States--History; Industrial
promotion--Southern States--History.
D. C. Coleman (1992).
Myth, History, and the Industrial Revolution. (London,
UK: Hambledon Press, 225 p.). Industrial revolution--Great
Britain; Businesspeople--Great Britain--History; Great
Britain--Economic conditions--1760-1860; Great
N. F. R. Crafts (1985).
British Economic Growth During the Industrial Revolution.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 193 p.). Industrial
revolution--Great Britain; Great Britain--Economic
conditions--1760-1860. British economic growth was relatively slow during much of
so-called industrial "revolution"; how new growth estimates hold
vital implications for understanding of productivity,
living standards, structural change, international trade in
18th- and 19th-century Britain.
Alan Dawley; with a New Preface (2000).
Class and Community: The Industrial Revolution in Lynn.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 301 p. [orig. pub.
1975]). Professor History (The College of New Jersey).
Shoemakers--Massachusetts--Lynn; Social
classes--Massachusetts--Lynn; Shoe
Phyllis Deane (1979).
The First Industrial Revolution. (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 318 p. [2nd ed.]). Industrial
revolution--Great Britain; Great Britain--Economic
Jan De Vries (2008).
The Industrious Revolution: Consumer Behavior and the Household
Economy, 1650 to the Present. (New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press, 327 p.). Professor of History and Economics
(University of California at Berkeley). Consumption (Economics)
--History; Consumers --History. Context in which economic
acceleration associated with Industrial Revolution took shape;
how activation, evolution of consumer demand shaped course of
economic development, situated consumer behavior in context of
household economy; changing consumption goals of households from
17th century to present; how household decisions have mediated
between macro-level economic growth, actual human betterment.
Eds. Susanna Delfino, Michele Gillespie
Global Perspectives on Industrial Transformation in the American
South. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 240
p.). Associate Professor of History and Institutions of the
Americas (University of Genoa, Italy); Associate Provost for
Academic Initiatives and Kahle Associate Professor of History
(Wake Forest University). Industrialization --Southern States;
Industrialization; Comparative economics. Economic evolution of
American South from late colonial period to World War I, beyond;
South in respect to long-held assumptions about
industrialization, productivity; comparisons to larger Atlantic
and world economy.
Thomas Dublin (1994).
Transforming Women's Work: New England Lives in the Industrial
Revolution. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 324
p.). Women --Employment --New England --History; Wages --Women
--New England --History; Industrial revolution --New England;
New England --Economic conditions.
S. R. Epstein (2000).
Freedom and Growth: Markets and States in Pre-Modern Europe,
1300-1750. (New York, NY: Routledge, 223 p.). Professor
of Economic History (London School of Economics).
Liberty--History; State, The--History; Europe--Economic
conditions; Europe--Politics and government. Pre-Industrial
Revolution. Economics of
growth must incorporate political economy of growth;
insights on political conditions for pre-industrial economic
growth, nature and historical evolution of an efficient and
modern state (explicit anti-Ricardian view).
Ed. S.R. Epstein, Maarten Prak (2008).
Guilds, Innovation, and the European Economy, 1400-1800.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 352 p.). Professor of
Economic History, Head of the Economic History Department
(London School of Economics). Guilds --Europe --History;
Industrialization --Europe --History; Europe --Commerce
--History. Re-examination
of role of guilds in early modern European economy; manifold
ways in which guilds in variety of industries in Italy, Austria,
Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Britain
helped to create institutional environment conducive to
technological, marketing innovations.
Eric J. Evans (1983).
The Forging of the Modern State: Early Industrial Britain,
1783-1870. (New York, NY: Longman, 457 p.). Industrial
revolution--Great Britain; Great Britain--Economic
conditions--1760-1860; Great Britain--Economic conditions--19th
century; Great Britain--Politics and government--1760-1820;
Great Britain--Politics and government--19th century.
Paul G. Faler (1981).
Mechanics and Manufacturers in the Early Industrial Revolution:
Lynn, Massachusetts, 1780-1860. (Albany, NY: State
University of New York Press, 267 p.).
Shoemakers--Massachusetts--Lynn--History; Footwear
industry--Massachusetts--Lynn--History; Working
class--Massachusetts--Lynn--History; Lynn (Mass.)--Social
Eds. Michael Brewster Folsom and Steven D. Lubar (1982).
The Philosophy of Manufactures: Early Debates Over
Industrialization in the United States. (Cambridge,
MA, MIT Press, 462 p.). Executive Director of the Charles River
Museum of Industry; Historian, Department of History of Science
and Technology, National Museum of American History (Smithsonian
Institution). Industrialization --United States --History
--Sources. Primary texts in American debate over
industrialization between Revolution and Civil; intellectual and
ideological forces behind promotion of manufactures, skepticism
and resistance which industrial capitalist aroused in democratic
and agrarian new nation; heated debate over industrialization of
United States.
Celina Fox (2010).
The Arts of Industry in the Age of Enlightenment. (New
Haven, CT, Yale University Press, 576 p.). Former Keeper of Art
at the Museum of London. Art and technology --Europe --History
--18th century. Intellectual origins of industrialization,
social ides which led to design innovation; mechanics, artisans
used four principal means to describe, rationalize their work:
drawing, model-making, societies, publications - basis for
experimentation and invention, for explanation and
classification, for validation and authorization, for promotion
and celebration; brought them into public domain, achieved
progress as true part of Enlightenment.
Laura L. Frader (2005).
The Industrial Revolution: A History in Documents.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Industrial
revolution--Sources; Industrialization--History.
Ed. John Garner (1992).
The Company Town: Architecture and Society in the Early
Industrial Age. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
256 p.). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Company
town architecture --History --19th century. Relation of industry
to planning; built by industrialists whose early businesses
contributed to escalation of Industrial Revolution;
architectural, social history, urban experiences of early
industrial age.
Pierre Gervais (2004). Les Origines de la
Revolution Industrielle aux Etats-Unis: Entre Economie Marchande
et Capitalisme Industriel, 1800-1850. (Paris, FR: Ecole des
Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 347 p.). Industrial
revolution--United States--History--19th century;
Industrialization--United States--History--19th century; United
States--Economic conditions--To 1865.
Jordan Goodman and Katrina Honeyman (1988).
Gainful Pursuits: The Making of Industrial Europe, 1600-1914.
(London, UK: E. Arnold, 262 p.). Industrialization --Europe
--History; Europe --Economic conditions.
Robert Gray (1996).
The Factory Question and Industrial England, 1830-1860.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 253 p.). Factory
system --Great Britain --History --19th century;
Industrialization --Great Britain --History --19th century.
Regional, cultural, textual analysis of industrial Britain in
nineteenth century; different perceptions of 'factory system'
either as threat or promise, contested meanings of waged work in
industry; patterns of conflict over factory legislation to
features of specific industrial towns.
Mrs. Constance (McLaughlin) Green (1939).
Holyoke, Massachusetts; A Case History of the Industrial
Revolution in America. (New Haven, CT: Yale University
Press, 425 p.). Industries--Massachusetts--Holyoke; Holyoke
Emma Griffin (2010).
A Short History of the British Industrial Revolution.
(New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 196 p.). Lecturer in British
History (University of East Anglia). Industrial revolution --
Great Britain; Great Britain -- Social conditions -- 19th
century; Great Britain -- Economic conditions -- 19th century.
Why Industrial Revolution remains pivotal event in world history
(moment at which small country freed majority of people from
subsistence living); what Industrial Revolution was, when
exactly it occurred, why it happened in Britain first.
Andre Guillerme (2007). La Naissance de
L'industrie à Paris: Entre Sueurs et Vapeurs, 1780-1830.
(Seyssel, France : Champ Vallon: Champ Vallon, 432 p.).
Industrialization -- France -- Paris -- History; Industries --
France -- Paris -- History; Paris Industrial History 18th-19th
O. W. Henderson (1972).
Britain and Industrial Europe, 1750-1870: Studies in British
Influence on the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe.
(Leicester, UK: Leicester University Press, 267 p. [3rd ed.]).
Industrial revolution--Europe; Industrial revolution--Great
Britain; Great Britain--Foreign economic relations--Europe.
Eds. Kevin Hillstrom and Laurie Collier
Hillstrom (2005-2007). The Industrial Revolution in America.
(Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 9 vols.). Industrial revolution --
United States; Industries -- United States -- History;
industrialization -- United States -- History. Incomplete
contents : v. 1. Iron and steel -- v. 2. Railroads -- v. 3.
Steam shipping -- [4] Textiles -- [5] Mining and petroleum --
[6] Automobiles -- [7] Communications -- [8] Agriculture and
meatpacking -- [9] Overview/comparison.
--- (2006).The
Industrial Revolution in America: Automobiles, Mining and
Petroleum, Textiles. (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Industrial revolution--United States; Industries--United
States--History; Industrialization--United States--History.
Industry that started
United States down road toward economic revolution (textiles),
industry that represented revolution's ultimate destination
(automobiles), industry that fueled journey by turning nation's
natural resources into sources of wealth and power.
Brooke Hindle and Steven Lubar (1986).
Engines of Change: The American Industrial Revolution, 1790-1860.
(Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 309 p.).
Historian emeritus at National Museum of History and Technology
(Smithsonian Institution); Specialist in Division of Engineering
and Industry (Smithsonian Institution). Industrial revolution--United States; Technological
innovations--Economic aspects--United States--History; United
States--Economic conditions--To 1865.
Importance of technological transfer (based on Smithsonian
Institution exhibit); effects of geographical dimension, natural
resources, business practices, the role of women, ethnic
diversity, and education; pictorial history of the Industrial
Revolution in America; major developments in American
technology, business, economics, and labor; migration of
technology, technologists from Europe to America, where skilled
craftsmen enabled industrialism to flourish (in combination with
the richness of natural resources and the energy and innovations
released by the young nation's political freedoms).
E. J. Hobsbawn; revised and updated with Chris
Wrigley (1999).
Industry and Empire: From 1750 to the Present Day. (New
York, NY: New Press, 411 p.). Industrial revolution--Great
Britain--History; Industries--Great Britain--History; Great
Britain--Economic conditions.
Katrina Honeyman (1983).
Origins of Enterprise: Business Leadership in the Industrial
Revolution. (Manchester, UK: Manchester University
Press, 204 p.). Businesspeople--Great Britain--History;
Industrial revolution--Great Britain; Entrepreneurship--History;
Social mobility--Great Britain--History.
Jeff Horn (2006).
The Path Not Taken: French Industrialization in the Age of
Revolution, 1750-1830. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 383
p.). Associate Professor (Manhattan College).
Industrialization--France--History--18th century;
Industrialization--France--History--19th century;
Industrialization--England--History--18th century;
Industrialization--England--History--19th century.
French industrialization was not
failed imitation of laissez-faire British model but product of
distinctive industrial policy that led, over long term, to
prosperity comparable to Britain's.
--- (2007).
The Industrial Revolution: Milestones in Business History.
(Westport, CT,: Greenwood Press, 167 p.). Associate Professor of
History (Manhattan College). Industrial revolution--Great
Britain--History; Industrialization--Great Britain--History;
Industrial revolution--Europe; Great Britain--Economic
conditions--History; Europe--Economic conditions--History.
How Industrial Revolution
played out in Europe, United States, rest of the world; role of
government in promoting, regulating commerce; important
distinctions between original Industrial Revolution (1760-1850),
second Industrial Revolution (approximately 1850 to the early
20th century).
Eds. Jeff Horn, Leonard N. Rosenband, and
Merritt Roe Smith.
Reconceptualizing the Industrial Revolution.
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 356 p.). Professor of History
(Manhattan College); Professor of History (Utah State
University); Cutten Professor of the History of Technology
(MIT). Industrial revolution; Industrialization; Economic
history; Technological innovations -- History.
National patterns
of industrialization, reciprocal exchanges, furtive borrowing
among countries; lengthy, creative period in history of
industrialization, 1750 to 1914; reassessment of England's
industrial primacy; significant industrial developments in
countries (Britain, Enlightenment, America, Russia, Japan,
Pat Hudson (1992).
The Industrial Revolution. (New York, NY: E. Arnold, 244
p.). Professor of Economics and Social History (University of
Liverpool). Industrial revolution--Great
Britain--Historiography; Industrial policy--Great
Britain--Historiography.; Great Britain--Economic
conditions--Historiography; Great Britain--Social
David J. Jeremy (1981).
Transatlantic Industrial Revolution: The Diffusion of Textile
Technologies between Britain and America, 1790-1830s.
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 384 p.). Professor of Business
History in the Faculty of Management and Business (Manchester
Metropolitan University). Textile industry --Technological
innovations --United States --History; Textile industry
--Technological innovations --Great Britain --History; Diffusion
of innovations --United States --History; Diffusion of
innovations --Great Britain --History; Technology transfer
--History. Early 19th century successful transatlantic transfer
(diffusion) of four specific mechanized textile manufacturing
technologies from Britain (fermented Industrial
Revolution, world's most advanced country) to post-colonial
United States (isolated agrarian-mercantile society); cotton
spinning, powerloom weaving, calico printing, woollen
manufacturing flowed in spite of institutional and technical
barriers (industrial secretiveness, English patent search
system, paucity of technical publications, prohibitory laws,
artisan resistance to technica change, variations in local
technical traditions, changes in pace, direction of invention).
Ed. and with an Introduction by Gary J.
Kornblith (1998).
The Industrial Revolution in America. (Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin, 206 p.). Industrial revolution--United
States--History; Industrialization--United States--History;
United States--Economic conditions; United States--Social
David S. Landes (1969).
The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial
Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present.
(London, UK: Cambridge University Press, 566 p.).
Industries--Europe--History; Europe--Economic conditions.
Walter Licht (1995).
Industrializing America: The Nineteenth Century.
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 219 p.).
Industrialization--United States--History--19th century;
Capitalism--United States--History--19th century; Industrial
policy--United States--History--19th century; United
States--Economic conditions--To 1865--Regional disparities;
United States--Economic conditions--1865-1918--Regional
Christine MacLeod (1988).
Inventing the Industrial Revolution: The English Patent
System, 1660-1800. (New York, NY: Cambridge University
Press, 302 p.). Patents--Great Britain--History--17th century;
Patents--Great Britain--History--18th century.
Development of English patent
system, its relationship with technical change; evolved from
instrument of royal patronage into one of commercial competition
among inventors and manufacturers of Industrial Revolution.
--- (2008).
Heroes of Invention: Technology, Liberalism and British
Identity, 1750-1914. (New York, NY: Cambridge University
Press, 480 p.). Senior Lecturer in Economic and Social History
at the School of Humanities (University of Bristol). Industrial
revolution -- Britain; inventions; Technological
innovations--Economic aspects--Britain--History.
Why inventors rose to heroic
stature, popular acclaim in Victorian Britain (numerous
monuments, biographies, honors); legacy for present-day ideas
about invention, inventors, history of industrial revolution
remains highly influential.
Paul Mantoux; foreword (1983) by John Kenneth
Galbraith; foreword(1961) by T.S. Ashton (1983).
The Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century: An Outline
of the Beginnings of the Modern Factory System in England.
(Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 528 p. [orig. pub.
1928]). Industrial revolution--England; England--Economic
conditions--18th century.
Robert Martello (2010).
Midnight Ride, Industrial Dawn: Paul Revere and the Growth of
American Enterprise. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 421 p.). Associate Professor of the History of
Science and Technology (Franklin W. Olin College of
Engineering). Silversmiths -- United States -- History;
Metal-work -- United States -- History; Revere, Paul, 1735-1818;
Industrial revolution -- United States; Industries -- United
States -- History. Revere's pivotal role in American Revolution,
rise of industrial America; transformational entrepreneur,
instrumental in industrial revolution, helped nation develop
from craft to industrial economy; shifted from artisan
silversmithing toward larger, more involved manufacturing
ventures (ironworking, bronze casting, copper sheet rolling);
career successes and failures, social networks, business
practices, groundbreaking metallurgical technologies he
developed, employed; Revere's commercial ventures epitomized
proto-industrialization, transitional state between craft work,
mass manufacture that characterizes broader, fast-changing
landscape of American economy.
Ed. Joel Mokyr (1993).
The British Industrial Revolution: An Economic Perspective.
(Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 362 p.). Industrial
revolution--Great Britain; Great Britain--Economic
conditions--1760-1860. Notes: A collection of 4 new or updated
essays and the editor’s introduction, a survey and evaluation of
contemporary research.
A. D. Morrison-Low (2007).
Making Scientific Instruments in the Industrial Revolution.
(Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 408 p.). Curator of the History of
Science at National Museums of Scotland. Scientific
apparatus and instruments industry--England--History.
Structure, profitability,
economic significance of 18th, early 19th- century British
instrument-making trade.
Jon Nichol (1981).
Developing Britain 1740-1900: The Agrarian, Transport and
Industrial Revolutions. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 64 p.). Great Britain -- Industries; Great Britain
Industrial development 1740-1900.
David Oldroyd (2007).
Estates, Enterprise and Investment at the Dawn of the Industrial
Revolution: Estate Management and Accounting in the North-East
of England, c.1700-1780. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 217
p.). Administration of estates--England, North
East--History--18th century; Industries--England, North
East--History--18th century; Saving and investment--England,
North East--History--18th century; England, North East--Economic
conditions. Role of
accountants during the industrial revolution; accounting was
essential, extremely adaptable tool promoting economic
efficiency; extraordinary sensitivity to unit costs;
accounting methods used to plan future investments; accounting
information was regularly used both as a planning tool for
future investments and as a tool to maximize profits.
Sidney Pollard (1965).
The Genesis of Modern Management; a Study of the Industrial
Revolution in Great Britain. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 328 p.). Great Britain--Economic conditions;
Great Britain--Industries. Early
industrial accounting exhibited marked confusion between capital
and revenues; suggests that early industrialists more concerned
with calculating, extracting interest on their investments
rather than maximizing their rate of return; early
entrepreneurs apparently lacked true profit motive possessed by
modern capitalists.
--- (1981).
Peaceful Conquest: The Industrialization of Europe, 1760-1970.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 451 p.). Industries --
Europe -- History.
Jonathan Prude (1983).
The Coming of Industrial Order: Town and Factory Life in Rural
Massachusetts, 1810-1860. (New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press, 364 p.).
Industries--Massachusetts--History--19th century.
Eric Richards; Foreword by S. G. Checkland
The Leviathan of Wealth: The Sutherland Fortune in the
Industrial Revolution. (London, UK: Routledge and Kegan
Paul, 316 p.). Sutherland family; Transportation--Great
Britain--History; Great Britain--Commerce--History.
Ed. Christine Rider (2008).
Encyclopedia of the Age of the Industrial Revolution, 1700-1920.
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2 Vols.). Professor Emerita (St.
John's University in New York). Industrial
revolution--Encyclopedias; Technological
innovations--Encyclopedias; Economic history--Encyclopedias.
Over 150 entries on all
aspects of historical transformation of industry and society;
describes major people, events, inventions that defined
Industrial Revolution in Britain, United States, elsewhere; 24
primary documents, Chronology, bibliography, extensive
Introduction, illustrations, detailed subject index.
Eds. Christine Rider and Micheal Thompson
The Industrial Revolution in Comparative Perspective.
(Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing, 268 p.). Industrial
revolution; Economic history. Significance of Industrial
Revolution, impact of New World trade, scientific advances, new
technology, financial developments on industrialization;
possible impact of literacy, population policies, sense of
nationhood on industrial change; results of that change.
Erik Ringmar (2007). Why Europe Was
First : Social Change and Economic Growth in Europe and East
Asia 1500-2050. (New York, NY: Anthem Press, 416 p.).
Professor in Social and Cultural Studies (National Chiao Tung
University, Taiwan). Industrial productivity --Europe --History;
Social change --Europe --History; Industrial productivity --East
Asia --History; Social change --East Asia --History; Europe
--Economic conditions; East Asia --Economic conditions.
Why Europe first became
modern, China struggled to catch up in 19th century; historical
puzzle solved, contemporary success of East Asia explained;
problems with current theories of development, modernization.
William Rosen (2010).
The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry,
and Invention. (New York, NY: Random House, 400 p.).
Former Editor and Publisher at Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, and
the Free Press. Steam-engines --History; Inventions --History;
Industrial revolution --Great Britain --History.
Men responsible
for Industrial Revolution, machine that drove it—steam engine; 18th-century Britain fertile soil for inventors
- people had right to own, profit from ideas; period of
frantic innovation revolved particularly around promise of steam
power; steam engine’s history (clumsy, sturdy machine, to driving wheels of mills and
factories, to transporter for people, freight by
rail and sea); insights, tenacity, ideas of inventors, scientists,
philosophers transformed nation,
Peter N. Stearns (2007).
The Industrial Revolution in World History. (Boulder,
CO: Westview Press, 260 p. [3rd ed.]). Industrial revolution;
Economic history.
Jon Stobart (2004).
The First Industrial Region: North-West England, c.1700-60.
(New York, NY: Manchester University Press, 259 p.). Senior
Lecturer in Geography (Coventry University). Industries
--England, Northern --History --18th century; England, Northern
--Economic conditions. Geography of economic growth during early
phases of industrialisation in England; 1) understanding of
national economy only gained through closer regional analyses;
2) regional integration effected through towns crucial to
national development (facilitated spatial, sectoral
specialisations as key to wider economic growth).
David Sunderland (2007).
Social Capital, Trust
and the Industrial Revolution: 1780-1880. (New York, NY
Routledge, p.). Industrial revolution --Social aspects; Social
capital (Sociology); Trust. How social capital played important
role in industrial, social, political changes in late 18th, 19th
centuries: 1) forms of behaviour, institutions and strategies
that contributed to formation of trust; 2) circumstances that
could lead to its rise or fall; 3) presence of distrust; 4)
relationship, links between trust and power.
Eds. Mikulas Teich and Roy Porter (1996).
The Industrial Revolution in National Context : Europe and the
USA. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 413 p.).
Economic history--1750-1918; Industrial revolution--Europe;
Industrial revolution--United States.
Eds. Peter Temin (2000).
Engines of Enterprise: An Economic History of New England.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 328 p.). Elisha Gray
II Professor of Economics (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology). New England -- Economic conditions. New England led
United States in transformation from agrarian to
industrial economy, reinvented in complex economy of information
society. Transformation of New England's products and exports
from cotton textiles and machine tools to such intangible goods
as education and software.
Brinley Thomas (1993).
The Industrial Revolution and the Atlantic Economy: Selected
Essays. (New York, NY: Routledge, 260 p.). Honorary
Research Associate in the Department of Economics (University of
California, Berkeley). Industrial revolution--Great Britain;
Energy development--Great Britain--History--18th century; Great
Britain--Economic conditions--1760-1860.
Arnold J. Toynbee (1956).
The Industrial Revolution. (Boston, MA: Beacon Press,
139 p. [orig. pub. 1884]). Economics--Great Britain--History;
Labor and laboring classes--Great Britain.; Great
Britain--Economic conditions.
Deborah Valenze (1995).
The First Industrial Woman. (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 251 p.). Associate Professor of History
(Barnard College). Women --Employment --Great Britain --History
--19th century. How rise
of values of productivity, rationality subordinated women
of working class, strengthened emerging ethos of individualism
(selective treatments of agriculture, spinning, cottage
industries); birth of new economic order resting on social,
sexual hierarchies )still part of contemporary life).
Michael A. Vanns (2003).
Witness to Change: A Record of the Industrial Revolution: The
Elton Collection at the Ironbridge Gorge Museum.
(Hersham, Surrey, UK: Ian Allan, 160 p.). Elton, Arthur--Art
collections--Catalogs; Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust--Catalogs;
Industrial revolution--Great Britain--Pictorial works;
Industries in art--Catalogs; Industries in literature--Catalogs;
Art and technology--Great Britain--Catalogs; Industrial
museums--Great Britain--Coalbrookdale--Catalogs; Art,
British--18th century--Catalogs; Art, British--19th
Peer Vries (2003). Via Peking back to
Manchester: Britain, the Industrial Revolution, and China.
(Leiden, Netherlands: Leiden, 108 p.). Professor of Global
Economic History (University of Vienna). Great Britain; Great
Britain. History. 18th century; Great Britain. History. 19th
century; China. History. 18th century; China. History. 19th
Anthony F. C. Wallace (1978).
Rockdale: The Growth of an American Village in the Early
Industrial Revolution. (New York, NY: Knopf, 553 p.).
Cotton trade--Pennsylvania--Rockdale--History; Industrial
revolution--Pennsylvania--Rockdale; Rockdale (Pa.)--Social
conditions; Rockdale (Pa.)--Religious life and customs.
Gavin Weightman (2003).
What the Industrial Revolution Did for Us. (London, UK:
BBC, 224 p.). Industrial revolution--Great Britain; Great
Britain--History--19th century; Great Britain--Intellectual
life--19th century.
--- (2007).
The Industrial Revolutionaries: The Creation of the Modern World
1776-1914. (London, UK: Atlantic Books, 400 p.).
Industrial revolution--Great Britain; Great
Britain--History--19th century; Great Britain--Intellectual
life--19th century. Author describes the Industrial Revolution
in full from 1776-1914; takes international perspective.
From ironworks of rural England
to outbreak of First World War in 1914; accounts of
achievements of giants (Trevithick, Stevenson, Watt, Wedgwood,
Daimler, Bessemer, Edison) with lesser-known characters who
carried industrialism from one nation to another.
Mark Wyman (1979).
Hard Rock Epic: Western Miners and the Industrial Revolution,
1860-1910. (Berkeley, CA: University of California
Press, 331 p.). Professor of History (Illinois State University,
Normal). Miners -- West (U.S.) -- History; Labor unions --
Miners -- West (U.S.) -- History; Mines and mineral resources --
West (U.S.) -- History.
Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Directory of online resources about the Industrial Revolution.
Covers the era's developments in agriculture, steam and
electric power, and shipping, as well as the social effects of
the changed economy. From the Internet Modern History
Industrial Revolution; American Timeline
to 1830
The Industrial Revolution -- Economic
Factors and Contexts: Selected Bibliography
1.html+economist+%22Thomas+Brinley%22&hl= en&ct=clnk&cd=12&gl=us
George P. Landow, Shaw Professor of English and Digital
Culture, National University of Singapore.
Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution and the Railway System
This site, created by Julia Lee and maintained by Professor
Robert Schwartz of Mount Holyoke College History Department),
presents a wide variety of information on the railway system of
nineteenth century England and Wales.
Gorge Museum Trust
International icon for industrial
heritage and a major player in the tourism industry; 1986-
UNESCO awarded World Heritage status to Ironbridge Gorge, one of
the first group of 7 UK sites; recognised the area’s unique
contribution to the birth of the Industrial Revolution in the
18th century, the impact of which was felt across the world. It
was the achievements of pioneering industrialists including
Abraham Darby, William Reynolds and John Wilkinson that led to
the Ironbridge Gorge becoming by the close of the 18th century
the most technologically advanced area in the world. The
surviving built and natural environment with its museums,
monuments and artefacts, including the world famous Iron Bridge
of 1779, serve to remind us of this area’s unique contribution
to the history and development of industrialised society; 2010 -
won the Heart of England Excellence in Tourism Chairman’s award
for the 2010 most ‘Outstanding Contribution to Tourism’ by an
organisation and the Joint Gold Regional Culture Award.
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