(ICI Industries), John Harvey-Jones (1994).
All Together Now. (London, UK: Heinemann, 211 p.).
Former Chairman, ICI Industries. Personnel management;
Performance; Employees--Recruiting.
(Mary Kay Cosmetics), Mary Kay Ash (1984).
Mary Kay on People Management. (New York, NY: Warner
Books, 184 p.). Founder (Mary Kay Cosmetics). Mary Kay
Cosmetics; Personnel management; Cosmetics industry--Personnel
(Mullen Advertising), James X. Mullen (1995).
The Simple Art of Greatness: Building, Managing, and Motivating
a Kick-ass Workforce. (New York, NY: Viking, 216 p.).
Founder, Mullen Advertising. Employee motivation; Personnel
management; Entrepreneurship. Philosophy on employee motivation.
(Western Electric), Richard Gillespie (1991).
Manufacturing Knowledge: A History of the Hawthorne Experiments.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 282 p.). Industrial
management--Research--United States--Case studies.
1924-1933 experiments undertaken
by Western electric company at its Hawthorne works in
Chicago: What motivates workers to work harder? What can
management do to create contented and productive workforce?
(Yahoo), Libby Sartain with Martha I. Finney
HR from the Heart: Inspiring Stories and Strategies for Building
the People Side of Great Business. (New York, NY:
AMACOM, 253 p.). Senior Vice President of Human Resources and
Chief People Yahoo; Journalist. Personnel management; Personnel
departments--Management; Personnel management--Vocational
guidance; Customer relations; Industrial relations.
(Yahoo), Libby Sartain, Mark Schumann (2006).
Brand from the Inside: Eight Essentials To Emotionally Connect
Your Employees to Your Business. (San Francisco, CA:
Jossey-Bass, 272 p.). Senior Vice President of Human Resources
and Chief People Yahoo; Principal and Communication Consultant
(Towers Perrin). Employee motivation; Brand name products.
How to motivate employees
to consistently deliver experience the customer brand
Brian E. Becker, Mark A. Huselid, and Richard
W. Beatty (2009).
The Differentiated Workforce: Transforming Talent into Strategic
Impact. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Press, 256 p.).
Professor of Human Resources in the School of Management (SUNY
Buffalo); Professors of Human Resource Management in the School
of Management and Labor Relations (Rutgers University).
Personnel management; Human capital --Management; Strategic
management; Organizational effectiveness. Company's talent as
investment to be managed like portfolio for strategy execution -
disproportionate investments in jobs that create most wealth;
too much time, money spent on low performers; not enough
necessary resources, development opportunities, rewards for high
Gary S. Becker (1993).
Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with
Special Reference to Education. (Chicago, IL: University
of Chicago Press, 390 p. [3rd ed.]). Nobel Prize Winning
Economist. Education--Economic aspects--United States; Manpower
policy--United States; Human capital--United States.
Brian E. Becker, Mark A. Huselid, David Ulrich
The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance.
(Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 234 p.).
Organizational effectiveness--Evaluation; Industrial management;
Human capital.
Cathleen Benko, Anne Weisberg (2007).
Mass Career Customization: Aligning the Workplace with Today’s
Nontraditional Workforce. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business
School Press, 230 p.). Vice Chairwoman, Cheif talent Officer for
Deloitte L.L.P.; Senior Advisor to Deloitte Women's Initiative.
Organizational change; Manpower planning; Employee retention;
Career development. Personalising the worker experience is good
for business; keeping employees engaged and connected will
provide industry advantage.
John W. Boudreau, Peter M. Ramstad (2007).
Beyond HR: The New Science of Human Capital. (Boston,
MA: Harvard Business School Press, 258 p.). Professor of
Management and Organization (USC's Marshall School of Business);
Executive Vice President for Strategy and Finance at Personnel
Decisions International (PDI). Intellectual capital; Knowledge
management; Knowledge workers; Decision making; Human capital;
Personnel management. HR
as source of strategic advantage; how organizations can
uncover distinctive talent contributions, strategically
differentiate their HR practices and metrics, more optimally
allocate talent to create value.
Linda Gail Christie (1983).
Human Resources--A Hidden Profit Center. (Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 154 p.). Personnel management.
Curt Coffman and Gabriel Gonzalez Molina
Follow This Path: How the World's Greatest Organizations Drive
Growth by Unleashing Human Potential. (New York, NY:
Warner Books, 284 p.). Employee motivation; Employees--Training
of; Human capital; Executive ability; Personnel management.
Thomas O. Davenport (1999).
Human Capital: What It Is and Why People Invest It. (San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 251 p.). Human capital; Personnel
Terrence E. Deal and William A. Jenkins
Managing the Hidden Organization. (New York, NY: Warner
Books, 322 p.). Employee Motivation, Organizational Behavior.
Ken Dychtwald, Tamara J. Erickson, Robert
Morison (2006).
Workforce Crisis: How To Beat the Coming Shortage of Skills and
Talent. (Boston, Ma: Harvard Business School Press, 269
P.). President and CEO of Age Wave; Executive Officer and Member
of the Board of Directors (The Concours Group); Executive Vice
President and Director of Research (The Concours Group).
Manpower planning--United States; Personnel management--United
States; Labor supply--United States. Leverage knowledge of mature
workers, reengage disillusioned midcareer workers, attract,
retain talented younger workers.
Jac Fitz-enz (1997).
The 8 Practices of Exceptional Companies: How Great
Organizations Make the Most of Their Human Assets. (New
York, NY: AMACOM, 246 p.). Organizational effectiveness--Case
studies; Benchmarking (Management)--Case studies.
--- (2000).
The ROI of Human Capital: Measuring the Economic Value of
Employee Performance. (New York, NY: AMACOM, 298 p.).
Human capital; Productivity accounting; Labor economics.
Richard Florida (2002).
The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It's Transforming Work,
Leisure, Community and Everyday Life. (New York, NY:
Basic Books, 434 p.). Creative ability--Economic aspects;
Creative ability--Social aspects; Work ethic--United States;
Leisure--United States; Social classes--United States; Creative
ability in technology; Technology and civilization; Human
capital; United States--Economic conditions--1981-2001; United
States--Social conditions--1980-.
--- (2004).
The Flight of the Creative Class: Why America Is Losing the
Competition for Talent-- and What We Can Do To Win Prosperity
Back. (New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 326 p.).
Intellectual capital--United States; Creative ability--Economic
aspects--United States; Technological innovations--Economic
aspects--United States; United States--Emigration and
immigration--Economic aspects; United States--Economic
Bill Friedman, James Hatch, David M. Walker
Delivering on the Promise: How To Attract, Manage, and Retain
Human Capital. (New York, NY: Free Press, 225 p.).
Partners, Arthur Andersen Human Capital Services. Personnel
management; Human capital; Manpower planning. Proprietary
methods for measuring, improving, developing human resources.
Charles A. Garfield (1992).
Second to None: How Our Smartest Companies Put People First.
(Homewood, IL: Business One Irwin, 454 p.). Management--Employee
participation; Organizational change; Personnel management;
Customer services.
Robert Half (1985).
Robert Half on Hiring. (New York, NY: Crown, 241 p.).
Gary Heil, Warren Bennis, Deborah C. Stephens
Douglas McGregor, Revisited: Managing the Human Side of the
Enterprise. (New York, NY: Wiley, 196 p.). Personnel
Linda Holbeche (1999).
Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy. (Boston,
MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 461 p.). Manpower planning; Strategic
planning; Human capital; Organizational change; Organizational
learning; Personnel management.
Mark A. Huselid, Brian E. Becker, Richard W.
Beatty (2005).
The Workforce Scorecard: Managing Human Capital To Execute
Strategy. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press,
278 p.). Performance standards; Personnel management.
Sanford M. Jacoby (2004).
The Embedded Corporation: Corporate Governance and Employment
Relations in Japan and the United States. (Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press. Howard Noble Professor of
Management, Policy Studies, and History (University of
California, Los Angeles). Management--Employee
participation--Japan; Management--Employee participation--United
States; Corporate governance--Japan; Corporate
governance--United States; Personnel management--Japan;
Personnel management--United States; Capitalism--Japan;
Capitalism--United States; Comparative management.
Bruce E. Kaufman (1993).
The Origins & Evolution of Industrial Relations in the
United States. (Ithaca, NY: ILR Press, 286 p.).
Professor of Economics (Georgia State University).
Industrial relations -- United States -- History.
1912 -
Term "industrial relations" created when President
William Howard Taft proposed, Congress approved creation
of nine-person investigative committee, called the
Commission on Industrial Relations, to investigate
conditions responsible for conflict between employers
and employees after death of 20 persons in bombing of LA
Times building in 1910 by two leaders of Structural Iron
Workers Union.
--- (2008).
Managing the Human Factor: The Early Years of Human Resource
Management in American Industry. (Ithaca, NY: ILR
Press/Cornell University Press, 376 p.). Professor of Economics
(Georgia State University). Personnel management -- United
States -- History -- 19th century; Personnel management --
United States -- History -- 20th century. Early history of
employee management in American companies; origins, early
development of human resource management in United States
from 1870s to 1933; emergence, development as distinct
management function and profession.
Henry A. Landsberger (1958). Hawthorne
Revisited: Management and the Worker, Its Critics, and
Developments in Human Relations in Industry. (Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University, 119 p.). Roethlisberger, F. J. (Fritz
Jules), 1898-1974. Management and the worker; Western Electric
Company; Personnel management.
Edward E. Lawler III; foreword by Dave Ulrich
Talent: Making People Your Competitive Advantage. (San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 281 p.). Director of the Center for
Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California
(USC), Distinguished Professor in the USC Marshall School of
Business. Personnel management. Source of competitive advantage
has shifted in many organizations from reliability to
innovation, flexibility; what does it take for organization that
innovates to then manage effectively? - combination of right
structure, right people (high-involvement organization?; global competitor structure?
mixture?); foundation, tools for
creating competitive, innovative organizations.
Walter Licht (1983).
Working for the Railroad: The Organization of Work in the
Nineteenth Century. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 328 p.). Railroads--United States--Employees--History;
Railroads--United States--Personnel management--History.
Cyril Curtis Ling (1965).
The Management of Personnel Relations; History and Origins.
(Homewood, IL: R. D. Irwin, 554 p.). Personnel management.
Fred Luthans, Carolyn M. Youssef, and Bruce J.
Avolio (2006).
Psychological Capital: Developing the Human Competitive Edge.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 256 p.). George Holmes
University Distinguished Professor of Management (University of
Nebraska at Lincoln); Assistant Professor, Department of
Management (Bellevue University); Donald and Shirley Clifton
Chair in Leadership, Department of Business Administration
(University of Nebraska). Employee competitive behavior;
Employee motivation; Employees--Psychology; Human
capital--Psychological aspects; Management--Psychological
aspects. New resource for
competitive advantage, psychological capital; confluence of
positive psychology movement, positive organizational
Fritz Machlup (1984).
The Economics of Information and Human Capital.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 644 p.). Information
theory in economics; Human capital.
Phillip Marvin (1973).
The Right Man for the Right Job at the Right Time; The
Executive's Guide To Tapping Top Talent. (Homewood, IL:
Dow Jones-Irwin, 176 p.). Employees--Recruiting; Employee
selection; Ability--Testing.
Douglas McGregor (2006).
The Human Side of Enterprise
(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 246 p. [orig. pub. 1960; annotated]).
Founding faculty member of Sloan School of Management (MIT),
Former President of Antioch College; Senior Research Scientist
Sloan School of Management and Engineering Systems Division
(MIT); Personnel
management. McGregor's revolutionary
Theory Y (contends that individuals are self-motivated,
self-directed) influenced major management gurus; how today's
leaders successfully incorporated McGregor's methods into modern
management styles, practices to nurture leadership ability,
create effective management teams, provide better feedback,
achieve high performance, cultivate value-driven workplace.
Oscar W. Nestor (1986).
A History of Personnel Administration, 1890 to 1910.
(New York, NY: Garland, 214 p.). Personnel management--United
States--History. Series: American business history.
Charles A. O'Reilly III, Jeffrey Pfeffer
Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results
with Ordinary People. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business
School Press, 286 p.). Industrial management--United
States--Case studies; Human capital--United States--Case
Jeffrey Pfeffer (1994).
Competitive Advantage through People: Unleashing the Power of
the Work Force. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School
Press, 281 p.). Personnel management--United States;
Organizational behavior--United States; Competition--United
--- (1998).
The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First.
(Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 345 p.). Success in
business; Corporate profits; Personnel management.
Joseph A. Raelin; with a new preface (1991).
The Clash of Cultures: Managers Managing Professionals.
(Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 299 p.).
Professional employees; Personnel management.
F. J. Roethlisberger and William J. Dickson
Management and the Worker; An Account of a Research Program
Conducted by the Western Electric Company, Hawthorne Works,
Chicago. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 615
p.). Personnel management; Psychology, Industrial; Research,
Robert H. Rosen with Lisa Berger; foreword by
James A. Autry (1992).
The Healthy Company: Eight Strategies To Develop People,
Productivity, and Profits. (New York, NY: Putnam, 316
p.). Industrial management; Personnel management; Quality of
work life; Success in business.
Hal F. Rosenbluth and Diane McFerrin Peters
Good Company: Caring as Fiercely as You Compete.
(Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 205 p.). CEO of Rosenbluth
International, founded 1892, third-largest travel-management
company in the world (5,000 employees). Personnel
management--United States--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Job
satisfaction--United States--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Theodore W. Schultz (1971). Investment in
Human Capital; The Role of Education and of Research. (New
York, NY: Free Press, 272 p.). Human capital;
Education--Economic aspects.
David Schweiger (2002).
M & A Integration: A Framework for Executives and Managers.
(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 285 p.). Consolidation and merger of
corporations; Personnel management; Human capital; Management.
Bradford D. Smart (2005).
Topgrading: How Leading Companies Win by Hiring, Coaching, and
Keeping A Players. (New York, NY: Portfolio, 562 p.
[rev. ed.]). Industrial Psychologist and Consultant. Industrial
management; Leadership; Employees--Recruiting; Teams in the
workplace--Training of; Mentoring in business; Employee
Richard C.S. Trahair; with a foreword by
Abraham Zaleznik (1984).
The Humanist Temper: The Life and Work of Elton Mayo.
(New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 392 p.). Mayo, Elton,
1880-1949; Industrial sociology--United States; Industrial
sociologists--United States--Biography.
Dave Ulrich (1997). Human Resource
Champions: The Next Agenda for Adding Value and Delivering
Results. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 281
p.). Personnel management; Organizational change.
Dave Ulrich, Wayne Brockbank (2005).
The HR Value Proposition. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business
School Press, 316 p.). Professor at the University of Michigan
School of Business; Clinical Professor of Business at the
University of Michigan School of Business. Personnel
departments; Personnel management.
ed. Dave Ulrich, Michael R. Losey, & Gerry
Lake (1997).
Tomorrow's HR Management: 48 Thought Leaders Call for Change.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 387 p.). Personnel management; Human
Robert H. Waterman, Jr. (1994).
What America Does Right: Learning from Companies That Put People
(New York, NY: Norton, 318 p.). Industrial management--United
States--Case studies; Technological innovations--United
States--Case studies.
Tony J. Watson (1977).
The Personnel Managers: A Study in the Sociology of Work and
Employment. ( Boston, MA: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 246
p.). Personnel management--Great Britain; Industrial sociology.
Ron Zemke,, Claire Raines, Bob Filipczak, Ron
Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers,
Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace. (New York, NY:
AMACOM, 280 p.). Diversity in the workplace--United States; Age
groups--United States; Conflict of generations--United States;
Supervision of employees.
Human Resource Executive Magazine
Established in 1987, the premier publication focused on
strategic issues in HR. Written primarily for vice presidents
and directors of human resources, the magazine provides these
key decision-makers with news, profiles of HR visionaries and
success stories of human resource innovators. Stories
cover all areas of human resource management, including
personnel, benefits, training and development, HR information
systems, relocation, retirement planning, workplace security,
and healthcare.
Human Resource Institute
One of the world’s leading research institutes devoted to the
practical and strategic management of people, the Human Resource
Institute (HRI) is an academically based organization, founded
in 1965 at the University of Michigan, whose mission is to
promote strategic thinking regarding the major issues affecting
the management of people today and the trends that are shaping
the future.
Work in America Institute
Mission is to advance productivity and the quality of working
life through the principles of sound human resource practices
which are applicable in all industries. Founded in 1975 by
Jerome M. Rosow, Assistant Secretary of Labor under Nixon.
Institute's studies support idea that best way to improve
productivity is to give employees more say in decisions
affecting their jobs.