- "bootstrap" deals; 1980's - leveraged buyouts;
1990s -private equity".
7, 2008 - Private equity deals declined to 1990s
Philip Augar (2000).
The Death of Gentlemanly Capitalism: The Rise and Fall of
London's Investment Banks. (New York, NY: Penguin, 397
p.). Merchant banks--Great Britain--History.
Erik Banks (1999). The Rise and Fall of the
Merchant Banks. (London, UK: K. Page, 572 p.). Merchant
banks--Great Britain--History.
Hans-Peter Bauer (1979).
Merchants Banks. (Bern, Germany: P. Haupt, 468 p.).
Acceptances; Investment banking; Investment banking--Europe;
Financial institutions--Europe.
Harold Bierman, Jr. (2003). Private
Equity: Transforming Public Stock To Create Value. (Hoboken,
NJ: Wiley, 196 p.). Nicholas H. Noyes Professor of Business
Administration, Professor of Finance, Johnson Graduate School of
Management (Cornell University). Corporations --Valuation;
Private equity; Going private (Securities); Corporations
--Finance; Leveraged buyouts; Venture capital.
Fundamentals behind private equity
investing decisions.
Stanley D. Chapman (1984).
The Rise of Merchant Banking. (Boston, MA: Allen & Unwin,
224 p.). Merchant banks--History.
Steven M. Davidoff (2009).
Gods at War: Shotgun Takeovers, Government by Deal, and the
Private Equity Implosion. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 365
p.). "The Deal Professor" Column (New York Times). Consolidation
and merger of corporations --United States; Private equity
--United States; Financial crises --United States.
takeover events, strategic
issues that guided modern-day deals, legal aspects of deal-making,
takeovers; federal government's regulation by deal approach to
saving financial system; government's biggest "deals" (bail-outs
of AIG, Bank of America, Bear Stearns, Citigroup).
Paul Ferris (1984).
Gentlemen of Fortune: The World's Merchant and Investment
Bankers. (London, UK: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 260 p.).
Investment bankers--Biography.
Orit Gadiesh, Hugh MacArthur (2008).
Lessons from Private Equity Any Company Can Use.
(Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 136 p.). chairman of
Bain & Company; Partner at Bain & Company, leader of the firm's
Global Private Equity practice. Private equity; Venture capital;
Investments. Five
disciplines private equity firms use to maximize investor value
: 1) invest with specific, appropriate 3-5-year goal; 2) create
blueprint for change (road map for initiatives that will
generate most value for company within that time frame); 3)
measure only what matters (cash, key market intelligence,
critical operating data); 4) hire, motivate, retain hungry
managers (people who think like owners); 5) make equity sweat
(make cash scarce, force managers to redeploy underperforming
capital in productive directions.
Richard Kellett (1967). The Merchant
Banking Arena: with Case-Studies. (New York, NY: St.
Martin's Press, 182 p.). Merchant banks--Great Britain.
Josh Kosman (2009).
The Buyout of America: How Private Equity Will Cause the Next
Great Credit Crisis. (New York, NY, Portfolio, 280
p.). Editor at Mergermarket.com,
former senior writer for The Deal, former senior reporter for
the trade publication Buyouts Newsletter. Private equity
--United States; Leveraged buyouts --United States; Credit
--United States; Financial crises --United States. Top private
equity firms have become nation's largest employers through
businesses they own; used leveraged buyouts that loaded acquired
companies with loans, generated more than $1 trillion in new
debt-which will come due just when these businesses are least
likely to be able to pay it off; private equity's explosive
growth; profits at expense of long-term health of their
companies; excessive debt, mismanagement will likely trigger
another economic meltdown within next five years, wipe out up to
two million jobs; links between private equity elite, Washington
power players.
Arthur B. Laffer, William
Hass, Shepherd G. Pryor IV (2009).
The Private Equity Edge: How Private Equity Players and the
World's Top Companies Build Value and Wealth. (New
York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 410 p.). Private equity -- United States.
$2.7 trillion in transactions since 2001; buyouts in every type of market, including declining ones; concepts of
intrinsic value, macroeconomics, incentives into single
strategy; how to create value while reducing risk: thoroughly exploring relevant data to quantify ranges of value
and risk; anticipating reactions of those whom you seek to
influence; exploring possibilities, options before making
major decisions; employing incentive systems that work in both
up, down markets.
Jamie Morgan (2009).
Private Equity Finance: Rise and Repercussions. (New
York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 309 p.). Researcher (University of
Helsinki, Finland). Private equity -- United States; Private
equity -- Great Britain; Venture capital -- United States;
Venture capital -- Great Britain. History, analysis of
emergence, development of private equity finance in UK, US in
context of changing liquidity conditions since 1970s.
Joseph Wechsberg (1966).
The Merchant Bankers: A Fascinating, Candid Chronicle of the
Great Financial Families of the World. (Boston, MA:
Little, Brown, 365 p.). Banks and banking--Europe;
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